ndarray-parallel 0.1.1

Parallelization for ndarray (using rayon).

Parallelization features for ndarray.

The array views and references to owned arrays all implement NdarrayIntoParallelIterator (*); the default parallel iterators (each element by reference or mutable reference) have no ordering guarantee in their parallel implementations.

.axis_iter() and .axis_iter_mut() also have parallel counterparts, and their parallel iterators are indexed (and thus ordered) and exact length.

(*) This regime of a custom trait instead of rayon’s own is since we use this intermediate ndarray-parallel crate.


Compute the exponential of each element in an array, parallelized.

extern crate ndarray;
extern crate ndarray_parallel;

use ndarray::Array2;
use ndarray_parallel::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let mut a = Array2::<f64>::zeros((128, 128));
    a.par_iter_mut().for_each(|x| *x = x.exp());

Use the parallel .axis_iter() to compute the sum of each row.

extern crate ndarray;
extern crate ndarray_parallel;

use ndarray::Array;
use ndarray::Axis;
use ndarray_parallel::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let a = Array::linspace(0., 63., 64).into_shape((4, 16)).unwrap();
    let mut sums = Vec::new();
     .map(|row| row.scalar_sum())
     .collect_into(&mut sums);

    assert_eq!(sums, [120., 376., 632., 888.]);