ndarray-linalg 0.12.0

Linear algebra package for rust-ndarray using LAPACK

- none

0.11.1 - 12 June 2019

- Hotfix for document generation [#153]../../pull/153

0.11.0 - 12 June 2019

- Dependency to cauchy 0.2 [#139]../../pull/139
- `generate::random_{unitary,regular}` for debug use [#140]../../pull/140 
- `krylov` submodule
  - modified Gram-Schmit [#149]../../pull/149, [#150]../../pull/150
  - Krylov subspace methods are not implemented yet.

- `static` feature [#136]../../pull/136
  - See README for detail
- `accelerate` feature [#141]../../pull/141
- Dependencies to derive-new, procedurals

- Switch CI service: Circle CI -> Azure Pipeline [#141]../../pull/141
- submodule `lapack_traits` is renamed to `lapack` [#139]../../pull/139
- `ndarray_linalg::Scalar` trait is split into two parts [#139]../../pull/139
  - [cauchy::Scalar]https://docs.rs/cauchy/0.2.0/cauchy/trait.Scalar.html is a refined real/complex common trait
  - `lapack::Lapack` is a trait for primitive types which LAPACK supports
- Error type becomes simple [#118]../../pull/118 [#127]../../pull/127
- Assertions becomes more verbose [#147]../../pull/147
- blas-src 0.3, lapack-src 0.3
  - intel-mkl-src becomes 0.4, which supports Windows! [#146]../../pull/146

0.10.0 - 2 Sep 2018

Update Dependencies

- ndarray 0.12
- rand 0.5
- num-complex 0.2
- openblas-src 0.6
- lapacke 0.2

See also [#110](../../pull/110)

- serde-1 feature gate [#99]../../pull/99, [#116]../../pull/116