ncollide_procedural 0.2.5

2 and 3-dimensional collision detection library in Rust: module for procedural generation of discrete geometric objects.
use na;
use na::{Pnt3, Pnt2};
use super::{TriMesh, IndexBuffer};
use math::{Point, Vect};

/// Adds a double-sided quad to the scene.
/// The quad is initially centered at (0, 0, 0). Its normal is the `z` axis. The quad itself is
/// composed of a user-defined number of triangles regularly spaced on a grid. This is the main way
/// to draw height maps.
/// # Arguments
/// * `w` - the quad width.
/// * `h` - the quad height.
/// * `usubdivs` - number of horizontal subdivisions. This correspond to the number of squares
/// which will be placed horizontally on each line. Must not be `0`.
/// * `vsubdivs` - number of vertical subdivisions. This correspond to the number of squares
/// which will be placed vertically on each line. Must not be `0`.
pub fn quad<P>(width:    <P::Vect as Vect>::Scalar,
               height:   <P::Vect as Vect>::Scalar,
               usubdivs: usize,
               vsubdivs: usize)
               -> TriMesh<P>
    where P: Point {
    let mut quad = unit_quad::<P>(usubdivs, vsubdivs);

    let mut s = na::zero::<P::Vect>();
    s[0] = width;
    s[1] = height;

    for i in 2 .. na::dim::<P::Vect>() {
        s[i] = na::one();



/// Adds a double-sided quad with the specified grid of vertices.
/// Normals are automatically computed.
/// # Arguments
/// * `nhpoints` - number of columns on the grid.
/// * `nvpoints` - number of lines on the grid.
pub fn quad_with_vertices<P>(vertices: &[P], nhpoints: usize, nvpoints: usize) -> TriMesh<P>
    where P: Point {
    assert!(nhpoints > 1 && nvpoints > 1, "The number of points must be at least 2 in each dimension.");

    let mut res = unit_quad::<P>(nhpoints - 1, nvpoints - 1);

    for (dest, src) in res.coords.iter_mut().zip(vertices.iter()) {
        *dest = src.clone();


/// Adds a double-sided quad with unit size to the scene.
/// The quad is initially centered at (0, 0, 0). Its normal is the `z` axis. The quad itself is
/// composed of a user-defined number of triangles regularly spaced on a grid. This is the main way
/// to draw height maps.
/// # Arguments
/// * `usubdivs` - number of horizontal subdivisions. This correspond to the number of squares
/// which will be placed horizontally on each line. Must not be `0`.
/// * `vsubdivs` - number of vertical subdivisions. This correspond to the number of squares
/// which will be placed vertically on each line. Must not be `0`.
pub fn unit_quad<P>(usubdivs: usize, vsubdivs: usize) -> TriMesh<P>
    where P: Point {
    assert!(usubdivs > 0 && vsubdivs > 0, "The number of subdivisions cannot be zero");
    assert!(na::dim::<P::Vect>() >= 2);

    let wstep    = na::one::<<P::Vect as Vect>::Scalar>() / na::cast(usubdivs as f64);
    let hstep    = na::one::<<P::Vect as Vect>::Scalar>() / na::cast(vsubdivs as f64);
    let cw       = na::cast(0.5);
    let ch       = na::cast(0.5);

    let mut vertices   = Vec::new();
    let mut normals    = Vec::new();
    let mut triangles  = Vec::new();
    let mut tex_coords = Vec::new();

    // create the vertices
    for i in 0usize .. vsubdivs + 1 {
        for j in 0usize .. usubdivs + 1 {
            let ni: <P::Vect as Vect>::Scalar = na::cast(i as f64);
            let nj: <P::Vect as Vect>::Scalar = na::cast(j as f64);

            let mut v = na::orig::<P>();
            v[0] = nj * wstep - cw;
            v[1] = ni * hstep - ch;
            let _1 = na::one::<<P::Vect as Vect>::Scalar>();
            tex_coords.push(Pnt2::new(_1 - nj * wstep, _1 - ni * hstep))

    // create the normals
    for _ in 0 .. (vsubdivs + 1) * (usubdivs + 1) {
        let mut n = na::zero::<P::Vect>();
        n[0] = na::one();

    // create triangles
    fn dl_triangle(i: u32, j: u32, ws: u32) -> Pnt3<u32> {
        Pnt3::new((i + 1) * ws + j, i * ws + j, (i + 1) * ws + j + 1)

    fn ur_triangle(i: u32, j: u32, ws: u32) -> Pnt3<u32> {
        Pnt3::new(i * ws + j, i * ws + (j + 1), (i + 1) * ws + j + 1)

    for i in 0usize .. vsubdivs {
        for j in 0usize .. usubdivs {
            // build two triangles...
            triangles.push(dl_triangle(i as u32, j as u32, (usubdivs + 1) as u32));
            triangles.push(ur_triangle(i as u32, j as u32, (usubdivs + 1) as u32));

    TriMesh::new(vertices, Some(normals), Some(tex_coords), Some(IndexBuffer::Unified(triangles)))