Module ncollide3d::pipeline::narrow_phase[][src]

Expand description

Persistent collision detection algorithms to compute contact points.


Collision detector between two balls.

Proximity detector between two balls.

Collision detector between two balls.

Collision detector between a concave shape and another shape.

Collision detector between a concave shape and another shape.

Collision detector between a concave shape and another shape.

Collision detector between a concave shape and another shape.

Proximity detector between a concave shape and another shape.

Collision dispatcher for shapes defined by ncollide_entities.

Proximity dispatcher for shapes defined by ncollide_entities.

A set of events.

Collision detector between an heightfield and another shape.

A graph where nodes are collision objects and edges are contact or proximity algorithms.

Collision detector dispatcher for collision objects.

Collision detector between g1 plane and g1 shape implementing the SupportMap trait.

Collision detector between g1 plane and g1 shape implementing the SupportMap trait.

Proximity detector between a plane and a shape implementing the SupportMap trait.

Events occuring when two collision objects start or stop being in close proximity, contact, or disjoint.

Proximity detector between a plane and a shape implementing the SupportMap trait.

Persistent proximity detector between two shapes having a support mapping function.

Collision detector between a concave shape and another shape.


Events occuring when two collision objects start or stop being in contact (or penetration).

An interaction between two collision objects.


An algorithm to compute contact points, normals and penetration depths between two specific objects.

Trait implemented by algorithms that determine if two objects are in close proximity.

Type Definitions

Index of a node of the interaction graph.

A set of contact events.

A set of proximity events.

Temporary index to and edge of the interaction graph.