ncbitaxonomy 0.1.4

Read NCBI Taxonomy Database from files and work with NCBI Taxonomy DB

### ncbitaxonomy

This is a Rust crate (i.e. library) for working with a local copy of the 
[NCBI Taxonomy database](
The database can be downloaded (either `` or `taxdump.tar.gz`) from the
[NCBI Taxonomy FTP site](

Documentation for version 0.1.3 is available at [](

### taxonomy_filter_refseq

(new in 0.1.1)

A tool to filter a NCBI RefSeq FASTA file so that only the ancestors of a given taxon
are retained.

$ taxonomy_filter_refseq --help
taxonomy_filter_refseq 0.1.2
Peter van Heusden <>
Filter NCBI RefSeq FASTA files by taxonomic lineage


    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -t, --tax_prefix <TAXONOMY_FILENAME_PREFIX>    String to prepend to names of nodes.dmp and names.dmp

    <INPUT_FASTA>      FASTA file with RefSeq sequences
    <TAXONOMY_DIR>     Directory containing the NCBI taxonomy nodes.dmp and names.dmp files
    <ANCESTOR_NAME>    Name of ancestor to use as ancestor filter
    <OUTPUT_FASTA>     Output FASTA filename (or stdout if omitted)


### TODO

* Refactor taxonomy_filter_refseq: move most code to library, add tests