nauty-pet 0.9.0

Canonical graph labelling using nauty/Traces and petgraph


Canonical graph labelling.

Leverages nauty and Traces to find canonical labellings for petgraph graphs.


use petgraph::graph::UnGraph;
use nauty_pet::prelude::*;

// Two different vertex labellings for the tree graph with two edges
let g1 = UnGraph::<(), ()>::from_edges([(0, 1), (1, 2)]);
let g2 = UnGraph::<(), ()>::from_edges([(0, 1), (0, 2)]);

// There are two equivalent labellings
let automorphism_info = g1.clone().try_into_autom().unwrap();
assert_eq!(automorphism_info.grpsize(), 2.);

// The canonical forms are identical
let c1 = g1.clone().into_canon();
let c2 = g2.clone().into_canon();

// Alternatively, we can use a dedicated `struct` for canonically
// labelled graphs
let c1 = CanonGraph::from(g1);
let c2 = CanonGraph::from(g2);
assert_eq!(c1, c2);


  • serde-1: Enables serialisation of CanonGraph objects using serde.

  • stable: Ensures deterministic behaviour when node or edge weights are distinguishable, but compare equal.

To enable features feature1, feature2 add the following to your Cargo.toml:

nauty-pet = { version = "0.8", features = ["feature1", "feature2"] }

License: Apache-2.0