nature-demo 0.19.0

Demo to show how to use Nature
# A concrete example


At here we would build an Online-Shop based on Nature.  The project will involves order, pay, warehouse and delivery domain. Even more we make some statistics through multi-dimensions. 

Don't worry about the complexity, we start at simple first, then step by step to achieve the final target.  Even thou I think the code lines are great reduced compare to the traditional development, conservative estimate they are less than half.

## How to read it

If you are the first time to know Nature,  It's best to view this demo from top to bottom.

Each chapter include little key-points of Nature, this let you come to know Nature.

In the whole demo description. there are some sections titled with **"Nature key points"** that would mind your attention how to do the thing in Nature way.

## Demo projects

Nature have provide all implement for this demo. you will find all of them in the following projects.

- [test entry]
- [common defines]
- [converter]
- [restful-converter]

## Let‘s begin

| chapter                                 | digest                                                    | key points                                                   |
| --------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [prepare]doc/EN/               | prepare for the demo                                      | how to run Nature                                            |
| [generate order]doc/EN/emall/ | user commit an order into to Nature                       | `Meta`, master `meta`, define target-state, `Converter`  and how to commit business object to Nature |
| [pay for the bill]doc/EN/emall/ | user can pay many times for the big bill.                 | upstream select, state conflict control                      |
| [stock-out]doc/EN/emall/           | the warehouse system is slow to process the order's goods | input state instance, callback                               |
| [delivery]doc/EN/emall/             | collaborate with the third-party                          | parameterization input                                       |
| [signed]doc/EN/emall/                 | user received the goods                                   | delay converter                                              |

The following unfinished yet.

| chapter                              | digest                                                       | key points                                |
| ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------- |
| [sale statistics]doc/EN/emall/ | from goods view, make statistics freely, extensible, no coding. | context, embedded counter, serial process |
| user consumption data                | make data which can be got by user id, such as order list    | parallel process                          |