nats 0.1.4

A client for the NATS message queue

Rust-NATS is a Rust client library for the [NATS]( message

The crate is called `nats` and can be added as a dependency using Cargo:

nats = "*"

It was written for Rust-nightly, but support for Rust beta will be added later.

The library was designed to be robust. It doesn't use any usafe code, it never
calls `panic!()` and failed commands are automatically retried on different
cluster nodes.

It provides a simple low-level interface that makes it easy to send/receive
messages over Rust channels if needed.


Single-node client connection:

extern crate nats;
use nats::*;

let client = Client::new("nats://user:password@").unwrap();

The username and password are optional.

Connecting to a cluster:

let cluster = vec!("nats://user:password@", "nats://");
let mut client = nats::Client::new(cluster).unwrap();

By default, commands are sent in fire-and-forget mode. In order to wait for an
acknowledgment after each command, the synchronous ("verbose") mode can be
turned on:


The client name can also be customized:


Publishing messages

client.publish("subject.test", "test".as_bytes()).unwrap();

In order to use NATS for RPC, the `Client.make_request()` function creates an
ephemeral subject ("inbox"), subscribes to it, schedules the removal of the
subscription after the first received message, publishes the initial request,
and returns the inbox subject name:

let inbox = client.make_request("subject.rpc", "test".as_bytes()).unwrap();

Subscribing to subjects

`Client.subscribe()` adds a subscription to a subject, with an optional group:

let s1 = client.subscribe("subject", None).unwrap();
let s2 = client.subscribe("subject.*", Some("app")).unwrap();

With group membership, a given message will be only delivered to one client in
the group.

`Client.unsubscribe()` removes a subscription:


Or to remove it after `n` messages have been received:

client.unsubscribe_after(s1, n).unwrap();

Receiving events

`Client.wait()` waits for a new event, and transparently responds to server
`PING` requests.

let event = client.wait();

This returns an `Event` structure:
pub struct Event {
    pub subject: String,
    pub channel: Channel,
    pub msg: Vec<u8>,
    pub inbox: Option<String>

Alternatively, events can be received using an iterator:

for event in {