natord 1.0.9

Natural ordering for Rust
[Natord][doc] 1.0.9

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Natural ordering for Rust. (also known as `rust-natord`)
This allows for the comparison like this:

~~~~ {.rust}
let mut files = vec!("rfc2086.txt", "rfc822.txt", "rfc1.txt");
files.sort_by(|&a, &b| natord::compare(a, b));
assert_eq!(files, ["rfc1.txt", "rfc822.txt", "rfc2086.txt"]);

It provides a `compare` and `compare_ignore_case` function for comparing strings,
and also a `compare_iter` function for the customizable algorithm.

There are multiple natural ordering algorithms available.
This version of natural ordering is inspired by
[Martin Pool's `strnatcmp.c`](
See the test cases in the source code to see what it can do and it cannot.

Natord is written by Kang Seonghoon and licensed under the MIT/X11 license.
