narrate 0.1.3

narrate is a set of CLI app utilities for error handling and status reporting
# narrate

This library provides CLI application error and status reporting utilities. The
coloured output formatting aims to be similar to [Cargo]. Error type is a
wrapper around [Anyhow].


[API Docs](

## Features

- User facing status messages and error reporting
- Wrap any error with additional context
- Optional help messages for errors
- Set of standard CLI errors with exit codes conforming to
- Convenience `Result` type
- Drop in replacement for [Anyhow]

## How to use

- Use
  as a return type of any fallible function.

   Within the function, use `?` to propagate any error that implements the
  trait. Same as

  use narrate::Result;

  fn get_user() -> Result<User> {
      let json = std::fs::read_to_string("user.json")?;
      let user: User = serde_json::from_str(&json)?;

- Wrap an error with more context by importing the
  trait. Similar to
  this can give your users more information as to why an error happened.

  use narrate::{CliError, ErrorWrap, Result};

  fn run() -> Result<()> {
      // wrap with contextual information
      data.acquire().wrap(|| "unable to aquire data")?;

      // wrap with another error
      config.load().wrap(|| CliError::Config)?;

      // wrap with help information
      create_dir().wrap_help(|| "project directory already exists", "Try using cargo init")?;

  error: project directory already exists
  cause: Is a directory (os error 20)

  Try using cargo init

- Use the
  trait to get the [sysexits.h] conforming exit code from a `narrate::Error`. By
  default this is just `70 (software error)` but it can be easily implemented
  for any type.

- [`narrate::CliError`]
  collection of typical command line errors. Use them to add context to deeper
  application errors. Use their `exit_code` to conform to [sysexits.h].

  use narrate::{CliError, ErrorWrap, ExitCode, Result};

  fn main() {
      let res = run();

      if let Err(ref err) = res {

  fn run() -> Result<()> {
      will_error().wrap(|| CliError::OsErr)?

- Report errors to the command line with either
  for the complete error chain.

  use narrate::{CliError, Error, report};

  fn main() {
      let res = run();

      if let Err(ref err) = res {

  fn run() -> Result<()> {
      let config: Config = serde_json::from_str(&json)
          .wrap(|| "bad config file `/app/config.toml`")
              || CliError::Config,
              "see for more help",

  ![report::err_full output]/docs/report_err_full.png?raw=true

- Report application status to the command line with
  Modeled on the output from [Cargo].

  use colored::Color;
  use narrate::report;

  fn main() {
      report::status("Created", "new project `spacetime`", Color::Green);

  ![report::status output]/docs/report_status.png?raw=true

## License

narrate is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the
Apache License (Version 2.0).


[sysexits.h]: (