# napi-rs

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> This project was initialized from [xray]

A minimal library for building compiled `Node.js` add-ons in `Rust`.

  <a href=""><img src=""></img></a>
  <a href=""><img src=""></img></a>
  <a href=""><img src=""></img></a>

## Ecosystem

<p align="center">
  <a href="" target="_blank">
    <img alt="Prisma" src="" height="50px">
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    <img alt="swc" src="" height="50px">
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    <img alt="Parcel" src="" height="50px">
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    <img alt="next.js" src="" height="50px">
    <img alt="nextjs.svg" src="" height="50px">

## Platform Support

![Linux musl](
![macOS/Windows/Linux x64](
![Windows i686](
[![Windows arm64](](


**Rust** `1.57.0`

|                       | node12 | node14 | node16 | node18 |
| --------------------- | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| Windows x64           |||||
| Windows x86           |||||
| Windows arm64         |||||
| macOS x64             |||||
| macOS aarch64         |||||
| Linux x64 gnu         |||||
| Linux x64 musl        |||||
| Linux aarch64 gnu     |||||
| Linux aarch64 musl    |||||
| Linux arm gnueabihf   |||||
| Linux aarch64 android |||||
| Linux armv7 android   |||||
| FreeBSD x64           |||||

This library depends on Node-API and requires `Node@10.0.0` or later.

We already have some packages written by `napi-rs`: [node-rs](

One nice feature is that this crate allows you to build add-ons purely with the `Rust/JavaScript` toolchain and without involving `node-gyp`.

## Taste

> You can start from [package-template] to play with `napi-rs`

### Define JavaScript functions

/// import the preludes
use napi::bindgen_prelude::*;
use napi_derive::napi;

/// module registration is done by the runtime, no need to explicitly do it now.
fn fibonacci(n: u32) -> u32 {
  match n {
    1 | 2 => 1,
    _ => fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2),

/// use `Fn`, `FnMut` or `FnOnce` traits to defined JavaScript callbacks
/// the return type of callbacks can only be `Result`.
fn get_cwd<T: Fn(String) -> Result<()>>(callback: T) {

/// or, define the callback signature in where clause
fn test_callback<T>(callback: T)
where T: Fn(String) -> Result<()>

/// async fn, require `async` feature enabled.
/// [dependencies]
/// napi = {version="2", features=["async"]}
async fn read_file_async(path: String) -> Result<Buffer> {
    .map(|r| match r {
      Ok(content) => Ok(content.into()),
      Err(e) => Err(Error::new(
        format!("failed to read file, {}", e),

more examples at [examples](./examples/napi)

## Building

This repository is a `Cargo` crate. Any napi-based add-on should contain `Cargo.toml` to make it a Cargo crate.

In your `Cargo.toml` you need to set the `crate-type` to `"cdylib"` so that cargo builds a C-style shared library that can be dynamically loaded by the Node executable. You'll also need to add this crate as a dependency.

name = "awesome"

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

napi = "2"
napi-derive = "2"

napi-build = "1"

And create `` in your own project:

extern crate napi_build;

fn main() {

So far, the `napi` build script has only been tested on `macOS` `Linux` `Windows x64 MSVC` and `FreeBSD`.

Install the `@napi-rs/cli` to help you build your `Rust` codes and copy `Dynamic lib` file to `.node` file in case you can `require` it in your program.

  "package": "awesome-package",
  "devDependencies": {
    "@napi-rs/cli": "^1.0.0"
  "napi": {
    "name": "jarvis" // <----------- Config the name of native addon, or the napi command will use the name of `Cargo.toml` for the binary file name.
  "scripts": {
    "build": "napi build --release",
    "build:debug": "napi build"

Then you can require your native binding:


The `module_name` would be your `package` name in your `Cargo.toml`.

`xxx => ./xxx.node`

`xxx-yyy => ./xxx_yyy.node`

You can also copy `Dynamic lib` file to an appointed location:

napi build [--release] ./dll
napi build [--release] ./artifacts

There are [documents](./cli) which contains more details about the `@napi-rs/cli` usage.

## Testing

Because libraries that depend on this crate must be loaded into a Node executable in order to resolve symbols, all tests are written in JavaScript in the `test_module` subdirectory.

To run tests:

yarn build:test
yarn test

## Related projects

- [neon]
- [node-bindgen]

## Features table

| Rust Type                | Node Type           | [NAPI Version] | Minimal Node version | Enable by `napi` feature |
| ------------------------ | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- | ------------------------ |
| u32                      | Number              | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| i32/i64                  | Number              | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| f64                      | Number              | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| bool                     | Boolean             | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| String/&'a str           | String              | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| Latin1String             | String              | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               | latin1                   |
| UTF16String              | String              | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| Object                   | Object              | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| serde_json::Map          | Object              | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               | serde-json               |
| serde_json::Value        | any                 | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               | serde-json               |
| Array                    | Array<any>          | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| Vec<T>                   | Array<T>            | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| Buffer                   | Buffer              | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| External<T>              | External<T>         | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |                          |
| Null                     | null                | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| Undefined/()             | undefined           | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| Result<()>               | Error               | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| T: Fn(...) -> Result<T>  | Function            | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| Async/Future             | Promise<T>          | 4                                                                               | v10.6.0              | async                    |
| AsyncTask                | Promise<T>          | 1                                                                               | v8.5.0               |
| JsGlobal                 | global              | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| JsSymbol                 | Symbol              | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| Int8Array/Uint8Array ... | TypedArray          | 1                                                                               | v8.0.0               |
| JsFunction               | threadsafe function | 4                                                                               | v10.6.0              | napi4                    |
| BigInt                   | BigInt              | 6                                                                               | v10.7.0              | napi6                    |