//! The following directly was copied from [neon][].
//! Rust port of [][].
//! When the addon tries to load the "node.exe" DLL module, this module gives it the pointer to the
//! .exe we are running in instead. Typically, that will be the same value. But if the node executable
//! was renamed, you would not otherwise get the correct DLL.
//! [neon]:
//! []:

use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::ptr::null_mut;
use winapi::shared::minwindef::{BOOL, DWORD, FARPROC, HMODULE, LPVOID};
use winapi::shared::ntdef::LPCSTR;
use winapi::um::libloaderapi::GetModuleHandleA;

// Structures hand-copied from

struct DelayLoadProc {
  fImportByName: BOOL,
  // Technically this is `union{LPCSTR; DWORD;}` but we don't access it anyways.
  szProcName: LPCSTR,

struct DelayLoadInfo {
  /// size of structure
  cb: DWORD,
  /// raw form of data (everything is there)
  /// Officially a pointer to ImgDelayDescr but we don't access it.
  pidd: LPVOID,
  /// points to address of function to load
  ppfn: *mut FARPROC,
  /// name of dll
  szDll: LPCSTR,
  /// name or ordinal of procedure
  dlp: DelayLoadProc,
  /// the hInstance of the library we have loaded
  hmodCur: HMODULE,
  /// the actual function that will be called
  pfnCur: FARPROC,
  /// error received (if an error notification)
  dwLastError: DWORD,

type PfnDliHook = unsafe extern "C" fn(dliNotify: usize, pdli: *const DelayLoadInfo) -> FARPROC;

const HOST_BINARIES: &[&[u8]] = &[b"node.exe", b"electron.exe"];

unsafe extern "C" fn load_exe_hook(event: usize, info: *const DelayLoadInfo) -> FARPROC {
  if event != 0x01
  /* dliNotePreLoadLibrary */
    return null_mut();

  let dll_name = CStr::from_ptr((*info).szDll);
    .any(|&host_name| host_name == dll_name.to_bytes())
    return null_mut();

  let exe_handle = GetModuleHandleA(null_mut());

  // PfnDliHook sometimes has to return a FARPROC, sometimes an HMODULE, but only one
  // of them could be specified in the header, so we have to cast our HMODULE to that.
  exe_handle as FARPROC

static mut __pfnDliNotifyHook2: *mut PfnDliHook = load_exe_hook as *mut PfnDliHook;