napi 1.0.0-alpha.8

N-API bindings

High level NodeJS N-API binding

napi-rs provides minimal overhead to write N-API modules in Rust.

Feature flags

napi1 ~ napi7

Because NodeJS N-API has versions. So there are feature flags to choose what version of N-API you want to build for. For example, if you want build a library which can be used by node@10.17.0, you should choose the napi5 or lower.

The details of N-API versions and support matrix: n_api_version_matrix


With tokio_rt feature, napi-rs provides a tokio runtime in an additional thread. And you can easily run tokio future in it and return promise.

use futures::prelude::*;
use napi::{CallContext, Error, JsObject, JsString, Result, Status};
use tokio;

pub fn tokio_readfile(ctx: CallContext) -> Result<JsObject> {
let js_filepath = ctx.get::<JsString>(0)?;
let path_str = js_filepath.as_str()?;
.map(|v| v.map_err(|e| Error::new(Status::Unknown, format!("failed to read file, {}", e)))),
|&mut env, data| env.create_buffer_with_data(data),

Tokio channel in napi-rs buffer size is default 100.

You can adjust it via NAPI_RS_TOKIO_CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE environment variable



Decode latin1 string from JavaScript using encoding_rs.

With this feature, you can use JsString.as_latin1_string function


Enable Serialize/Deserialize data cross JavaScript Object and Rust struct.

#[derive(Serialize, Debug, Deserialize)]
struct AnObject {
a: u32,
b: Vec<f64>,
c: String,

fn deserialize_from_js(ctx: CallContext) -> Result<JsUndefined> {
let arg0 = ctx.get::<JsUnknown>(0)?;
let de_serialized: AnObject = ctx.env.from_js_value(arg0)?;

fn serialize(ctx: CallContext) -> Result<JsUnknown> {
let value = AnyObject { a: 1, b: vec![0.1, 2.22], c: "hello" };