nanny 0.0.5

Safe native abstractions for Node.
# Nanny

<img align="right" src="silhouette.png" alt="silhouette"/>A Rust library providing a safe API around native abstractions for Node.

Nanny collaborates with the V8 embedding API to safely monitor stack-allocated handles to garbage-collected objects. This ensures that all objects rooted in the stack are safely tracked by the garbage collector.

*A good nanny keeps the nursery safe.*

# Example

A complete example can be found in the [nanny-demo]( repository. The demo makes use of the [rust-bindings]( npm package to completely automate the process of building and requiring a Rust module in Node.

## A Node function in Rust

A JS function is represented in Rust as an extern function that takes a reference to a `Call` object. The `Call` object allows you to create memory management scopes, which safely manage the rooting of handles to garbage-collected JS values:

extern fn make_an_array(call: &Call) {
    let realm = call.realm(); // current VM execution context
    realm.scoped(|scope| {    // create a scope for rooting handles
        let mut array: Handle<Array> = Array::new(scope, 3);
        array.set(0, Integer::new(scope, 9000));
        array.set(1, Object::new(scope));
        array.set(2, Number::new(scope, 3.14159));

# License