nannou 0.18.1

A Creative Coding Framework for Rust.
//! Text layout logic.
//! Currently, this crate is used primarily by the `draw.text()` API but will also play an
//! important role in future GUI work.

pub mod cursor;
pub mod font;
pub mod glyph;
pub mod layout;
pub mod line;
pub mod rt {
    //! Re-exported RustType geometric types.
    pub use rusttype::{gpu_cache, point, vector, Point, Rect, Vector};

// Re-export all relevant rusttype types here.
pub use self::layout::Layout;
pub use rusttype::gpu_cache::Cache as GlyphCache;
pub use rusttype::{Glyph, GlyphId, GlyphIter, LayoutIter, Scale, ScaledGlyph};

use crate::geom;
use crate::glam::Vec2;
use std::borrow::Cow;

/// The RustType `FontCollection` type used by nannou.
pub type FontCollection = rusttype::FontCollection<'static>;
/// The RustType `Font` type used by nannou.
pub type Font = rusttype::Font<'static>;
/// The RustType `PositionedGlyph` type used by nannou.
pub type PositionedGlyph = rusttype::PositionedGlyph<'static>;

/// The type used for scalar values.
pub type Scalar = crate::geom::scalar::Default;

/// The point type used when working with text.
pub type Point = crate::geom::Point2;

/// The type used to specify `FontSize` in font points.
pub type FontSize = u32;

/// A context for building some **Text**.
pub struct Builder<'a> {
    text: Cow<'a, str>,
    layout_builder: layout::Builder,

/// An instance of some multi-line text and its layout.
pub struct Text<'a> {
    text: Cow<'a, str>,
    font: Font,
    layout: Layout,
    line_infos: Vec<line::Info>,
    rect: geom::Rect,

/// An iterator yielding each line within the given `text` as a new `&str`, where the start and end
/// indices into each line are provided by the given iterator.
pub struct Lines<'a, I> {
    text: &'a str,
    ranges: I,

/// An alias for the line info iterator yielded by `Text::line_infos`.
pub type TextLineInfos<'a> = line::Infos<'a, line::NextBreakFnPtr>;

/// An alias for the line iterator yielded by `Text::lines`.
pub type TextLines<'a> = Lines<
    std::iter::Map<std::slice::Iter<'a, line::Info>, fn(&line::Info) -> std::ops::Range<usize>>,

/// An alias for the line rect iterator used internally within the `Text::line_rects` iterator.
type LineRects<'a> = line::Rects<std::iter::Cloned<std::slice::Iter<'a, line::Info>>>;

/// An alias for the line rect iterator yielded by `Text::line_rects`.
pub struct TextLineRects<'a> {
    line_rects: LineRects<'a>,
    offset: Vec2,

/// An alias for the iterator yielded by `Text::lines_with_rects`.
pub type TextLinesWithRects<'a> = std::iter::Zip<TextLines<'a>, TextLineRects<'a>>;

/// An alias for the iterator yielded by `Text::glyphs_per_line`.
pub type TextGlyphsPerLine<'a> = glyph::RectsPerLine<'a, TextLinesWithRects<'a>>;

/// An alias for the iterator yielded by `Text::glyphs`.
pub type TextGlyphs<'a> = std::iter::FlatMap<
    glyph::Rects<'a, 'a>,
    fn(glyph::Rects<'a, 'a>) -> glyph::Rects<'a, 'a>,

/// Alignment along an axis.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum Align {

/// A type used for referring to typographic alignment of `Text`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Justify {
    /// Align text to the start of the bounding `Rect`'s *x* axis.
    /// Symmetrically align text along the *y* axis.
    /// Align text to the end of the bounding `Rect`'s *x* axis.
    // /// Align wrapped text to both the start and end of the bounding `Rect`s *x* axis.
    // ///
    // /// Extra space is added between words in order to achieve this alignment.
    // TODO: Full,

/// The way in which text should wrap around the width.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Wrap {
    /// Wrap at the first character that exceeds the width.
    /// Wrap at the first word that exceeds the width.

impl<'a> From<Cow<'a, str>> for Builder<'a> {
    fn from(text: Cow<'a, str>) -> Self {
        let layout_builder = Default::default();
        Builder {

impl<'a> From<&'a str> for Builder<'a> {
    fn from(s: &'a str) -> Self {
        let text = Cow::Borrowed(s);

impl From<String> for Builder<'static> {
    fn from(s: String) -> Self {
        let text = Cow::Owned(s);

impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
    /// Apply the given function to the inner text layout.
    fn map_layout<F>(mut self, map: F) -> Self
        F: FnOnce(layout::Builder) -> layout::Builder,
        self.layout_builder = map(self.layout_builder);

    /// The font size to use for the text.
    pub fn font_size(self, size: FontSize) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.font_size(size))

    /// Specify whether or not text should be wrapped around some width and how to do so.
    /// The default value is `DEFAULT_LINE_WRAP`.
    pub fn line_wrap(self, line_wrap: Option<Wrap>) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.line_wrap(line_wrap))

    /// Specify that the **Text** should not wrap lines around the width.
    /// Shorthand for `builder.line_wrap(None)`.
    pub fn no_line_wrap(self) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.no_line_wrap())

    /// Line wrap the **Text** at the beginning of the first word that exceeds the width.
    /// Shorthand for `builder.line_wrap(Some(Wrap::Whitespace))`.
    pub fn wrap_by_word(self) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.wrap_by_word())

    /// Line wrap the **Text** at the beginning of the first character that exceeds the width.
    /// Shorthand for `builder.line_wrap(Some(Wrap::Character))`.
    pub fn wrap_by_character(self) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.wrap_by_character())

    /// A method for specifying the `Font` used for displaying the `Text`.
    pub fn font(self, font: Font) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.font(font))

    /// Describe the end along the *x* axis to which the text should be aligned.
    pub fn justify(self, justify: Justify) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.justify(justify))

    /// Align the text to the left of its bounding **Rect**'s *x* axis range.
    pub fn left_justify(self) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.left_justify())

    /// Align the text to the middle of its bounding **Rect**'s *x* axis range.
    pub fn center_justify(self) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.center_justify())

    /// Align the text to the right of its bounding **Rect**'s *x* axis range.
    pub fn right_justify(self) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.right_justify())

    /// Specify how much vertical space should separate each line of text.
    pub fn line_spacing(self, spacing: Scalar) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.line_spacing(spacing))

    /// Specify how the whole text should be aligned along the y axis of its bounding rectangle
    pub fn y_align(self, align: Align) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.y_align(align))

    /// Align the top edge of the text with the top edge of its bounding rectangle.
    pub fn align_top(self) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.align_top())

    /// Align the middle of the text with the middle of the bounding rect along the y axis..
    /// This is the default behaviour.
    pub fn align_middle_y(self) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.align_middle_y())

    /// Align the bottom edge of the text with the bottom edge of its bounding rectangle.
    pub fn align_bottom(self) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.align_bottom())

    /// Set all the parameters via an existing `Layout`
    pub fn layout(self, layout: &Layout) -> Self {
        self.map_layout(|l| l.layout(layout))

    /// Build the text.
    /// This iterates over the text in order to pre-calculates the text's multi-line information
    /// using the `line::infos` function.
    /// The given `rect` will be used for applying the layout including text alignment, positioning
    /// of text, multi-line wrapping, etc,
    pub fn build(self, rect: geom::Rect) -> Text<'a> {
        let text = self.text;
        let layout =;
        let font = layout.font.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| {
            #[cfg(feature = "notosans")]
                return font::default_notosans();
            let assets = crate::app::find_assets_path()
                .expect("failed to detect the assets directory when searching for a default font");
            font::default(&assets).expect("failed to detect a default font")
        let max_width = rect.w();
        let line_infos =
            line::infos_maybe_wrapped(&text, &font, layout.font_size, layout.line_wrap, max_width)
        Text {

impl<'a> Text<'a> {
    /// Produce an iterator yielding information about each line.
    pub fn line_infos(&self) -> &[line::Info] {

    /// The full string of text as a slice.
    pub fn text(&self) -> &str {

    /// The layout parameters for this text instance.
    pub fn layout(&self) -> &Layout {

    /// The font used for this text instance.
    pub fn font(&self) -> &Font {

    /// The number of lines in the text.
    pub fn num_lines(&self) -> usize {

    /// The rectangle used to layout and build the text instance.
    /// This is the same `Rect` that was passed to the `text::Builder::build` method.
    pub fn layout_rect(&self) -> geom::Rect {

    /// The rectangle that describes the min and max bounds along each axis reached by the text.
    pub fn bounding_rect(&self) -> geom::Rect {
        let mut r = self.bounding_rect_by_lines();
        let info = match self.line_infos.first() {
            None => return geom::Rect::from_w_h(0.0, 0.0),
            Some(info) => info,
        let line_h = self.layout.font_size as Scalar;
        r.y.end -= line_h - info.height;

    /// The rectangle that describes the min and max bounds along each axis reached by the text.
    /// This is similar to `bounding_rect` but assumes that all lines have a height equal to
    /// `font_size`, rather than using the exact height.
    pub fn bounding_rect_by_lines(&self) -> geom::Rect {
        let mut lrs = self.line_rects();
        let lr = match {
            None => return geom::Rect::from_w_h(0.0, 0.0),
            Some(lr) => lr,
        lrs.fold(lr, |acc, lr| {
            let x = geom::Range::new(acc.x.start.min(lr.x.start), acc.x.end.max(lr.x.end));
            let y = geom::Range::new(acc.y.start.min(lr.y.start), acc.y.end.max(lr.y.end));
            geom::Rect { x, y }

    /// The width of the widest line of text.
    pub fn width(&self) -> Scalar {
            .fold(0.0, |max, info| max.max(info.width))

    /// The exact height of the full text accounting for font size and line spacing..
    pub fn height(&self) -> Scalar {
        let info = match self.line_infos.first() {
            None => return 0.0,
            Some(info) => info,

    /// Determine the total height of a block of text with the given number of lines, font size and
    /// `line_spacing` (the space that separates each line of text).
    /// The height of all lines of text are assumed to match the `font_size`. If looking for the exact
    /// height, see the `exact_height` function.
    pub fn height_by_lines(&self) -> Scalar {

    /// Produce an iterator yielding each wrapped line within the **Text**.
    pub fn lines(&self) -> TextLines {
        fn info_byte_range(info: &line::Info) -> std::ops::Range<usize> {
        lines(&self.text, self.line_infos.iter().map(info_byte_range))

    /// The bounding rectangle for each line.
    pub fn line_rects(&self) -> TextLineRects {
        let offset = self.position_offset();
        let line_rects = line::rects(
        TextLineRects { line_rects, offset }

    /// Produce an iterator yielding all lines of text alongside their bounding rects.
    pub fn lines_with_rects(&self) -> TextLinesWithRects {

    /// Produce an iterator yielding iterators yielding every glyph alongside its bounding rect for
    /// each line.
    pub fn glyphs_per_line(&self) -> TextGlyphsPerLine {
        glyph::rects_per_line(self.lines_with_rects(), &self.font, self.layout.font_size)

    /// Produce an iterator yielding every glyph alongside its bounding rect.
    /// This is the "flattened" version of the `glyphs_per_line` method.
    pub fn glyphs(&self) -> TextGlyphs {

    /// Produce an iterator yielding the path events for every glyph in every line.
    pub fn path_events<'b>(&'b self) -> impl 'b + Iterator<Item = lyon::path::PathEvent> {
        use lyon::path::PathEvent;

        // Translate the given lyon point by the given vector.
        fn trans_lyon_point(p: &lyon::math::Point, v: Vec2) -> lyon::math::Point {
            lyon::math::point(p.x + v.x, p.y + v.y)

        // Translate the given path event in 2D space.
        fn trans_path_event(e: &PathEvent, v: Vec2) -> PathEvent {
            match *e {
                PathEvent::Begin { ref at } => PathEvent::Begin {
                    at: trans_lyon_point(at, v),
                PathEvent::Line { ref from, ref to } => PathEvent::Line {
                    from: trans_lyon_point(from, v),
                    to: trans_lyon_point(to, v),
                PathEvent::Quadratic {
                    ref from,
                    ref ctrl,
                    ref to,
                } => PathEvent::Quadratic {
                    from: trans_lyon_point(from, v),
                    ctrl: trans_lyon_point(ctrl, v),
                    to: trans_lyon_point(to, v),
                PathEvent::Cubic {
                    ref from,
                    ref ctrl1,
                    ref ctrl2,
                    ref to,
                } => PathEvent::Cubic {
                    from: trans_lyon_point(from, v),
                    ctrl1: trans_lyon_point(ctrl1, v),
                    ctrl2: trans_lyon_point(ctrl2, v),
                    to: trans_lyon_point(to, v),
                PathEvent::End {
                    ref last,
                    ref first,
                    ref close,
                } => PathEvent::End {
                    last: trans_lyon_point(last, v),
                    first: trans_lyon_point(first, v),
                    close: *close,

        self.glyphs().flat_map(|(g, r)| {
                .flat_map(|es| es)
                .map(move |e| trans_path_event(&e, r.bottom_left().into()))

    /// Produce an iterator yielding positioned rusttype glyphs ready for caching.
    /// The window dimensions (in logical space) and scale_factor are required to transform glyph
    /// positions into rusttype's pixel-space, ready for caching into the rusttype glyph cache
    /// pixel buffer.
    pub fn rt_glyphs<'b: 'a>(
        &'b self,
        window_size: Vec2,
        scale_factor: Scalar,
    ) -> impl 'a + 'b + Iterator<Item = PositionedGlyph> {

    /// Converts this `Text` instance into an instance that owns the inner text string.
    pub fn into_owned(self) -> Text<'static> {
        let Text {
        } = self;
        let text = Cow::Owned(text.into_owned());
        Text {

    fn position_offset(&self) -> Vec2 {

impl<'a, I> Iterator for Lines<'a, I>
    I: Iterator<Item = std::ops::Range<usize>>,
    type Item = &'a str;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let Lines {
            ref mut ranges,
        } = *self;|range| &text[range])

impl<'a> Iterator for TextLineRects<'a> {
    type Item = geom::Rect;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|r| r.shift(self.offset.into()))

/// Determine the total height of a block of text with the given number of lines, font size and
/// `line_spacing` (the space that separates each line of text).
/// The height of all lines of text are assumed to match the `font_size`. If looking for the exact
/// height, see the `exact_height` function.
pub fn height_by_lines(num_lines: usize, font_size: FontSize, line_spacing: Scalar) -> Scalar {
    if num_lines > 0 {
        num_lines as Scalar * font_size as Scalar + (num_lines - 1) as Scalar * line_spacing
    } else {

/// Determine the exact height of a block of text.
/// The `first_line_height` can be retrieved via its `line::Info` which can be retrieved via the
/// first element of a `line_infos` iterator.
pub fn exact_height(
    first_line_height: Scalar,
    num_lines: usize,
    font_size: FontSize,
    line_spacing: Scalar,
) -> Scalar {
    if num_lines > 0 {
        let lt_num_lines = num_lines - 1;
        let other_lines_height = lt_num_lines as Scalar * font_size as Scalar;
        let space_height = lt_num_lines as Scalar * line_spacing;
        first_line_height + other_lines_height + space_height
    } else {

/// Produce an iterator yielding each line within the given `text` as a new `&str`, where the
/// start and end indices into each line are provided by the given iterator.
pub fn lines<I>(text: &str, ranges: I) -> Lines<I>
    I: Iterator<Item = std::ops::Range<usize>>,
    Lines {
        text: text,
        ranges: ranges,

/// The position offset required to shift the associated text into the given bounding rectangle.
/// This function assumes the `max_width` used to produce the `line_infos` is equal to the given
/// `bounding_rect` max width.
pub fn position_offset(
    num_lines: usize,
    font_size: FontSize,
    line_spacing: f32,
    bounding_rect: geom::Rect,
    y_align: Align,
) -> Vec2 {
    let x_offset = bounding_rect.x.start;
    let y_offset = {
        // Calculate the `y` `Range` of the first line `Rect`.
        let total_text_height = height_by_lines(num_lines, font_size, line_spacing);
        let total_text_y_range = geom::Range::new(0.0, total_text_height);
        let total_text_y = match y_align {
            Align::Start => total_text_y_range.align_start_of(bounding_rect.y),
            Align::Middle => total_text_y_range.align_middle_of(bounding_rect.y),
            Align::End => total_text_y_range.align_end_of(bounding_rect.y),
    geom::vec2(x_offset, y_offset)

/// Produce the position of each glyph ready for the rusttype glyph cache.
/// Window dimensions are expected in logical coordinates.
pub fn rt_positioned_glyphs<'a, I>(
    lines_with_rects: I,
    font: &'a Font,
    font_size: FontSize,
    window_size: Vec2,
    scale_factor: Scalar,
) -> impl 'a + Iterator<Item = PositionedGlyph>
    I: IntoIterator<Item = (&'a str, geom::Rect)>,
    I::IntoIter: 'a,
    // Functions for converting nannou coordinates to rusttype pixel coordinates.
    let trans_x = move |x: Scalar| (x + window_size.x / 2.0) * scale_factor as Scalar;
    let trans_y = move |y: Scalar| ((-y) + window_size.y / 2.0) * scale_factor as Scalar;

    // Clear the existing glyphs and fill the buffer with glyphs for this Text.
    let scale = f32_pt_to_scale(font_size as f32 * scale_factor);
        .flat_map(move |(line, line_rect)| {
            let (x, y) = (
                trans_x(line_rect.left()) as f32,
                trans_y(line_rect.bottom()) as f32,
            let point = rt::Point { x: x, y: y };
            font.layout(line, scale, point).map(|g| g.standalone())

/// Converts the given font size in "points" to its font size in pixels.
/// This is useful for when the font size is not an integer.
pub fn f32_pt_to_px(font_size_in_points: f32) -> f32 {
    font_size_in_points * 4.0 / 3.0

/// Converts the given font size in "points" to a uniform `rusttype::Scale`.
/// This is useful for when the font size is not an integer.
pub fn f32_pt_to_scale(font_size_in_points: f32) -> Scale {

/// Converts the given font size in "points" to its font size in pixels.
pub fn pt_to_px(font_size_in_points: FontSize) -> f32 {
    f32_pt_to_px(font_size_in_points as f32)

/// Converts the given font size in "points" to a uniform `rusttype::Scale`.
pub fn pt_to_scale(font_size_in_points: FontSize) -> Scale {

/// Begin building a **Text** instance.
pub fn text(s: &str) -> Builder {