Struct nalgebra::Mat6 [] [src]

pub struct Mat6<N> {
    pub m11: N,
    pub m21: N,
    pub m31: N,
    pub m41: N,
    pub m51: N,
    pub m61: N,
    pub m12: N,
    pub m22: N,
    pub m32: N,
    pub m42: N,
    pub m52: N,
    pub m62: N,
    pub m13: N,
    pub m23: N,
    pub m33: N,
    pub m43: N,
    pub m53: N,
    pub m63: N,
    pub m14: N,
    pub m24: N,
    pub m34: N,
    pub m44: N,
    pub m54: N,
    pub m64: N,
    pub m15: N,
    pub m25: N,
    pub m35: N,
    pub m45: N,
    pub m55: N,
    pub m65: N,
    pub m16: N,
    pub m26: N,
    pub m36: N,
    pub m46: N,
    pub m56: N,
    pub m66: N,

Square matrix of dimension 6.


m11: N m21: N m31: N m41: N m51: N m61: N m12: N m22: N m32: N m42: N m52: N m62: N m13: N m23: N m33: N m43: N m53: N m63: N m14: N m24: N m34: N m44: N m54: N m64: N m15: N m25: N m35: N m45: N m55: N m65: N m16: N m26: N m36: N m46: N m56: N m66: N


impl<N> Mat6<N>

fn new(m11: N, m12: N, m13: N, m14: N, m15: N, m16: N, m21: N, m22: N, m23: N, m24: N, m25: N, m26: N, m31: N, m32: N, m33: N, m34: N, m35: N, m36: N, m41: N, m42: N, m43: N, m44: N, m45: N, m46: N, m51: N, m52: N, m53: N, m54: N, m55: N, m56: N, m61: N, m62: N, m63: N, m64: N, m65: N, m66: N) -> Mat6<N>

impl<N: Copy> Mat6<N>

unsafe fn at_fast(&self, (i, j): (usize, usize)) -> N

unsafe fn set_fast(&mut self, (i, j): (usize, usize), val: N)

Trait Implementations

impl<N: Copy> Copy for Mat6<N>

impl<N: Debug> Debug for Mat6<N>

fn fmt(&self, __arg_0: &mut Formatter) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl<N: Hash> Hash for Mat6<N>

fn hash<__HN: Hasher>(&self, __arg_0: &mut __HN)

Feeds this value into the state given, updating the hasher as necessary.

fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H) where H: Hasher

Feeds a slice of this type into the state provided.

impl<N: Clone> Clone for Mat6<N>

fn clone(&self) -> Mat6<N>

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<N: Decodable> Decodable for Mat6<N>

fn decode<__DN: Decoder>(__arg_0: &mut __DN) -> Result<Mat6<N>, __DN::Error>

impl<N: Encodable> Encodable for Mat6<N>

fn encode<__SN: Encoder>(&self, __arg_0: &mut __SN) -> Result<(), __SN::Error>

impl<N: PartialEq> PartialEq for Mat6<N>

fn eq(&self, __arg_0: &Mat6<N>) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more

fn ne(&self, __arg_0: &Mat6<N>) -> bool

This method tests for !=.

impl<N: Eq> Eq for Mat6<N>

impl<N: Zero + One> Eye for Mat6<N>

fn new_identity(dim: usize) -> Mat6<N>

Return the identity matrix of specified dimension

impl<N: Copy> Repeat<N> for Mat6<N>

fn repeat(val: N) -> Mat6<N>

Returns a value with filled by val.

impl<N> AsRef<[[N; 6]; 6]> for Mat6<N>

fn as_ref(&self) -> &[[N; 6]; 6]

Performs the conversion.

impl<N> AsMut<[[N; 6]; 6]> for Mat6<N>

fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [[N; 6]; 6]

Performs the conversion.

impl<'a, N> From<&'a [[N; 6]; 6]> for &'a Mat6<N>

fn from(arr: &'a [[N; 6]; 6]) -> &'a Mat6<N>

Performs the conversion.

impl<'a, N> From<&'a mut [[N; 6]; 6]> for &'a mut Mat6<N>

fn from(arr: &'a mut [[N; 6]; 6]) -> &'a mut Mat6<N>

Performs the conversion.

impl<Nin: Copy, Nout: Copy + Cast<Nin>> Cast<Mat6<Nin>> for Mat6<Nout>

fn from(v: Mat6<Nin>) -> Mat6<Nout>

Converts an element of type T to an element of type Self.

impl<N: Add<N, Output=N>> Add<Mat6<N>> for Mat6<N>

type Output = Mat6<N>

The resulting type after applying the + operator

fn add(self, right: Mat6<N>) -> Mat6<N>

The method for the + operator

impl<N: Sub<N, Output=N>> Sub<Mat6<N>> for Mat6<N>

type Output = Mat6<N>

The resulting type after applying the - operator

fn sub(self, right: Mat6<N>) -> Mat6<N>

The method for the - operator

impl<N: Copy + Add<N, Output=N>> Add<N> for Mat6<N>

type Output = Mat6<N>

The resulting type after applying the + operator

fn add(self, right: N) -> Mat6<N>

The method for the + operator

impl<N: Copy + Sub<N, Output=N>> Sub<N> for Mat6<N>

type Output = Mat6<N>

The resulting type after applying the - operator

fn sub(self, right: N) -> Mat6<N>

The method for the - operator

impl<N: Copy + Mul<N, Output=N>> Mul<N> for Mat6<N>

type Output = Mat6<N>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

fn mul(self, right: N) -> Mat6<N>

The method for the * operator

impl<N: Copy + Div<N, Output=N>> Div<N> for Mat6<N>

type Output = Mat6<N>

The resulting type after applying the / operator

fn div(self, right: N) -> Mat6<N>

The method for the / operator

impl<N: Absolute<N>> Absolute<Mat6<N>> for Mat6<N>

fn abs(m: &Mat6<N>) -> Mat6<N>

Computes some absolute value of this object. Typically, this will make all component of a matrix or vector positive. Read more

impl<N: Zero> Zero for Mat6<N>

fn zero() -> Mat6<N>

Returns the additive identity element of Self, 0. Read more

fn is_zero(&self) -> bool

Returns true if self is equal to the additive identity.

impl<N: Copy + BaseNum> One for Mat6<N>

fn one() -> Mat6<N>

Returns the multiplicative identity element of Self, 1. Read more

impl<N> Iterable<N> for Mat6<N>

fn iter<'l>(&'l self) -> Iter<'l, N>

Gets a vector-like read-only iterator.

impl<N> IterableMut<N> for Mat6<N>

fn iter_mut<'l>(&'l mut self) -> IterMut<'l, N>

Gets a vector-like read-write iterator.

impl<N> Dim for Mat6<N>

fn dim(_: Option<Mat6<N>>) -> usize

The dimension of the object.

impl<N> Shape<(usize, usize)> for Mat6<N>

fn shape(&self) -> (usize, usize)

Returns the shape of an indexable object.

impl<N: Copy> Indexable<(usize, usize), N> for Mat6<N>

fn swap(&mut self, (i1, j1): (usize, usize), (i2, j2): (usize, usize))

Swaps the i-th element of self with its j-th element.

unsafe fn unsafe_at(&self, (i, j): (usize, usize)) -> N

Reads the i-th element of self. Read more

unsafe fn unsafe_set(&mut self, (i, j): (usize, usize), val: N)

Writes to the i-th element of self. Read more

impl<N> Index<(usize, usize)> for Mat6<N>

type Output = N

The returned type after indexing

fn index(&self, (i, j): (usize, usize)) -> &N

The method for the indexing (Foo[Bar]) operation

impl<N> IndexMut<(usize, usize)> for Mat6<N>

fn index_mut(&mut self, (i, j): (usize, usize)) -> &mut N

The method for the indexing (Foo[Bar]) operation

impl<N: Copy + BaseNum> Mul<Mat6<N>> for Mat6<N>

type Output = Mat6<N>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

fn mul(self, right: Mat6<N>) -> Mat6<N>

The method for the * operator

impl<N: Copy + BaseNum> Mul<Vec6<N>> for Mat6<N>

type Output = Vec6<N>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

fn mul(self, right: Vec6<N>) -> Vec6<N>

The method for the * operator

impl<N: Copy + BaseNum> Mul<Pnt6<N>> for Mat6<N>

type Output = Pnt6<N>

The resulting type after applying the * operator

fn mul(self, right: Pnt6<N>) -> Pnt6<N>

The method for the * operator

impl<N: Copy + BaseNum> Inv for Mat6<N>

fn inv(&self) -> Option<Mat6<N>>

Returns the inverse of m.

fn inv_mut(&mut self) -> bool

In-place version of inverse.

impl<N: Copy> Transpose for Mat6<N>

fn transpose(&self) -> Mat6<N>

Computes the transpose of a matrix.

fn transpose_mut(&mut self)

In-place version of transposed.

impl<N: ApproxEq<N>> ApproxEq<N> for Mat6<N>

fn approx_epsilon(_: Option<Mat6<N>>) -> N

Default epsilon for approximation.

fn approx_ulps(_: Option<Mat6<N>>) -> u32

Default ULPs for approximation.

fn approx_eq_eps(&self, other: &Mat6<N>, epsilon: &N) -> bool

Tests approximate equality using a custom epsilon.

fn approx_eq_ulps(&self, other: &Mat6<N>, ulps: u32) -> bool

Tests approximate equality using units in the last place (ULPs)

fn approx_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool

Tests approximate equality.

impl<N: Copy + Zero> Row<Vec6<N>> for Mat6<N>

fn nrows(&self) -> usize

The number of column of self.

fn set_row(&mut self, row: usize, v: Vec6<N>)

Writes the i-th row of self.

fn row(&self, row: usize) -> Vec6<N>

Reads the i-th row of self.

impl<N: Copy + Zero> Col<Vec6<N>> for Mat6<N>

fn ncols(&self) -> usize

The number of column of this matrix or vector.

fn set_col(&mut self, col: usize, v: Vec6<N>)

Writes the i-th column of self.

fn col(&self, col: usize) -> Vec6<N>

Reads the i-th column of self.

impl<N: Clone + Copy + Zero> ColSlice<DVec6<N>> for Mat6<N>

fn col_slice(&self, cid: usize, rstart: usize, rend: usize) -> DVec6<N>

Returns a view to a slice of a column of a matrix.

impl<N: Clone + Copy + Zero> RowSlice<DVec6<N>> for Mat6<N>

fn row_slice(&self, rid: usize, cstart: usize, cend: usize) -> DVec6<N>

Returns a view to a slice of a row of a matrix.

impl<N: Copy + Zero> Diag<Vec6<N>> for Mat6<N>

fn from_diag(diag: &Vec6<N>) -> Mat6<N>

Creates a new matrix with the given diagonal.

fn diag(&self) -> Vec6<N>

The diagonal of this matrix.

impl<N> EigenQR<N, Vec6<N>> for Mat6<N> where N: BaseFloat + ApproxEq<N> + Clone

fn eigen_qr(&self, eps: &N, niter: usize) -> (Mat6<N>, Vec6<N>)

Computes the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of this matrix.

impl<N: Rand> Rand for Mat6<N>

fn rand<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R) -> Mat6<N>

Generates a random instance of this type using the specified source of randomness. Read more

impl<N: BaseNum + Cast<f64> + Clone> Mean<Vec6<N>> for Mat6<N>

fn mean(&self) -> Vec6<N>

Computes the mean of the observations stored by v. Read more

impl<N: Display + BaseFloat> Display for Mat6<N>

fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter.