nalgebra 0.32.1

General-purpose linear algebra library with transformations and statically-sized or dynamically-sized matrices.
 * This file implements some BLAS operations in such a way that they work
 * even if the first argument (the output parameter) is an uninitialized matrix.
 * Because doing this makes the code harder to read, we only implemented the operations that we
 * know would benefit from this performance-wise, namely, GEMM (which we use for our matrix
 * multiplication code). If we identify other operations like that in the future, we could add
 * them here.

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use matrixmultiply;
use num::{One, Zero};
use simba::scalar::{ClosedAdd, ClosedMul};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::mem;

use crate::base::constraint::{
    AreMultipliable, DimEq, SameNumberOfColumns, SameNumberOfRows, ShapeConstraint,
use crate::base::dimension::{Dim, Dyn, U1};
use crate::base::storage::{RawStorage, RawStorageMut};
use crate::base::uninit::InitStatus;
use crate::base::{Matrix, Scalar, Vector};
use std::any::TypeId;

// # Safety
// The content of `y` must only contain values for which
// `Status::assume_init_mut` is sound.
unsafe fn array_axcpy<Status, T>(
    _: Status,
    y: &mut [Status::Value],
    a: T,
    x: &[T],
    c: T,
    beta: T,
    stride1: usize,
    stride2: usize,
    len: usize,
) where
    Status: InitStatus<T>,
    T: Scalar + Zero + ClosedAdd + ClosedMul,
    for i in 0..len {
        let y = Status::assume_init_mut(y.get_unchecked_mut(i * stride1));
        *y =
            a.clone() * x.get_unchecked(i * stride2).clone() * c.clone() + beta.clone() * y.clone();

fn array_axc<Status, T>(
    _: Status,
    y: &mut [Status::Value],
    a: T,
    x: &[T],
    c: T,
    stride1: usize,
    stride2: usize,
    len: usize,
) where
    Status: InitStatus<T>,
    T: Scalar + Zero + ClosedAdd + ClosedMul,
    for i in 0..len {
        unsafe {
                y.get_unchecked_mut(i * stride1),
                a.clone() * x.get_unchecked(i * stride2).clone() * c.clone(),

/// Computes `y = a * x * c + b * y`.
/// If `b` is zero, `y` is never read from and may be uninitialized.
/// # Safety
/// This is UB if b != 0 and any component of `y` is uninitialized.
pub unsafe fn axcpy_uninit<Status, T, D1: Dim, D2: Dim, SA, SB>(
    status: Status,
    y: &mut Vector<Status::Value, D1, SA>,
    a: T,
    x: &Vector<T, D2, SB>,
    c: T,
    b: T,
) where
    T: Scalar + Zero + ClosedAdd + ClosedMul,
    SA: RawStorageMut<Status::Value, D1>,
    SB: RawStorage<T, D2>,
    ShapeConstraint: DimEq<D1, D2>,
    Status: InitStatus<T>,
    assert_eq!(y.nrows(), x.nrows(), "Axcpy: mismatched vector shapes.");

    let rstride1 = y.strides().0;
    let rstride2 = x.strides().0;

    // SAFETY: the conversion to slices is OK because we access the
    //         elements taking the strides into account.
    let y =;
    let x =;

    if !b.is_zero() {
        array_axcpy(status, y, a, x, c, b, rstride1, rstride2, x.len());
    } else {
        array_axc(status, y, a, x, c, rstride1, rstride2, x.len());

/// Computes `y = alpha * a * x + beta * y`, where `a` is a matrix, `x` a vector, and
/// `alpha, beta` two scalars.
/// If `beta` is zero, `y` is never read from and may be uninitialized.
/// # Safety
/// This is UB if beta != 0 and any component of `y` is uninitialized.
pub unsafe fn gemv_uninit<Status, T, D1: Dim, R2: Dim, C2: Dim, D3: Dim, SA, SB, SC>(
    status: Status,
    y: &mut Vector<Status::Value, D1, SA>,
    alpha: T,
    a: &Matrix<T, R2, C2, SB>,
    x: &Vector<T, D3, SC>,
    beta: T,
) where
    Status: InitStatus<T>,
    T: Scalar + Zero + One + ClosedAdd + ClosedMul,
    SA: RawStorageMut<Status::Value, D1>,
    SB: RawStorage<T, R2, C2>,
    SC: RawStorage<T, D3>,
    ShapeConstraint: DimEq<D1, R2> + AreMultipliable<R2, C2, D3, U1>,
    let dim1 = y.nrows();
    let (nrows2, ncols2) = a.shape();
    let dim3 = x.nrows();

        ncols2 == dim3 && dim1 == nrows2,
        "Gemv: dimensions mismatch."

    if ncols2 == 0 {
        if beta.is_zero() {
            y.apply(|e| Status::init(e, T::zero()));
        } else {
            // SAFETY: this is UB if y is uninitialized.
            y.apply(|e| *Status::assume_init_mut(e) *= beta.clone());

    // TODO: avoid bound checks.
    let col2 = a.column(0);
    let val = x.vget_unchecked(0).clone();

    // SAFETY: this is the call that makes this method unsafe: it is UB if Status = Uninit and beta != 0.
    axcpy_uninit(status, y, alpha.clone(), &col2, val, beta);

    for j in 1..ncols2 {
        let col2 = a.column(j);
        let val = x.vget_unchecked(j).clone();

        // SAFETY: safe because y was initialized above.
        axcpy_uninit(status, y, alpha.clone(), &col2, val, T::one());

/// Computes `y = alpha * a * b + beta * y`, where `a, b, y` are matrices.
/// `alpha` and `beta` are scalar.
/// If `beta` is zero, `y` is never read from and may be uninitialized.
/// # Safety
/// This is UB if beta != 0 and any component of `y` is uninitialized.
pub unsafe fn gemm_uninit<
    R1: Dim,
    C1: Dim,
    R2: Dim,
    C2: Dim,
    R3: Dim,
    C3: Dim,
    status: Status,
    y: &mut Matrix<Status::Value, R1, C1, SA>,
    alpha: T,
    a: &Matrix<T, R2, C2, SB>,
    b: &Matrix<T, R3, C3, SC>,
    beta: T,
) where
    Status: InitStatus<T>,
    T: Scalar + Zero + One + ClosedAdd + ClosedMul,
    SA: RawStorageMut<Status::Value, R1, C1>,
    SB: RawStorage<T, R2, C2>,
    SC: RawStorage<T, R3, C3>,
        SameNumberOfRows<R1, R2> + SameNumberOfColumns<C1, C3> + AreMultipliable<R2, C2, R3, C3>,
    let ncols1 = y.ncols();

    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
        // We assume large matrices will be Dyn but small matrices static.
        // We could use matrixmultiply for large statically-sized matrices but the performance
        // threshold to activate it would be different from SMALL_DIM because our code optimizes
        // better for statically-sized matrices.
        if R1::is::<Dyn>()
            || C1::is::<Dyn>()
            || R2::is::<Dyn>()
            || C2::is::<Dyn>()
            || R3::is::<Dyn>()
            || C3::is::<Dyn>()
            // matrixmultiply can be used only if the std feature is available.
            let nrows1 = y.nrows();
            let (nrows2, ncols2) = a.shape();
            let (nrows3, ncols3) = b.shape();

            // Threshold determined empirically.
            const SMALL_DIM: usize = 5;

            if nrows1 > SMALL_DIM && ncols1 > SMALL_DIM && nrows2 > SMALL_DIM && ncols2 > SMALL_DIM
                    ncols2, nrows3,
                    "gemm: dimensions mismatch for multiplication."
                    (nrows1, ncols1),
                    (nrows2, ncols3),
                    "gemm: dimensions mismatch for addition."

                // NOTE: this case should never happen because we enter this
                // codepath only when ncols2 > SMALL_DIM. Though we keep this
                // here just in case if in the future we change the conditions to
                // enter this codepath.
                if ncols2 == 0 {
                    // NOTE: we can't just always multiply by beta
                    // because we documented the guaranty that `self` is
                    // never read if `beta` is zero.
                    if beta.is_zero() {
                        y.apply(|e| Status::init(e, T::zero()));
                    } else {
                        // SAFETY: this is UB if Status = Uninit
                        y.apply(|e| *Status::assume_init_mut(e) *= beta.clone());

                if TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<f32>() {
                    let (rsa, csa) = a.strides();
                    let (rsb, csb) = b.strides();
                    let (rsc, csc) = y.strides();

               as *const f32,
                        rsa as isize,
                        csa as isize,
               as *const f32,
                        rsb as isize,
                        csb as isize,
               as *mut f32,
                        rsc as isize,
                        csc as isize,
                } else if TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<f64>() {
                    let (rsa, csa) = a.strides();
                    let (rsb, csb) = b.strides();
                    let (rsc, csc) = y.strides();

               as *const f64,
                        rsa as isize,
                        csa as isize,
               as *const f64,
                        rsb as isize,
                        csb as isize,
               as *mut f64,
                        rsc as isize,
                        csc as isize,

    for j1 in 0..ncols1 {
        // TODO: avoid bound checks.
        // SAFETY: this is UB if Status = Uninit && beta != 0
            &mut y.column_mut(j1),