Module nalgebra_sparse::ops

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Sparse matrix arithmetic operations.

This module contains a number of routines for sparse matrix arithmetic. These routines are primarily intended for “expert usage”. Most users should prefer to use standard std::ops operations for simple and readable code when possible. The routines provided here offer more control over allocation, and allow fusing some low-level operations for higher performance.

The available operations are organized by backend. Currently, only the serial backend is available. In the future, backends that expose parallel operations may become available. All std::ops implementations will remain single-threaded and powered by the serial backend.

Many routines are able to implicitly transpose matrices involved in the operation. For example, the routine spadd_csr_prealloc performs the operation C <- beta * C + alpha * op(A). Here op(A) indicates that the matrix A can either be used as-is or transposed. The notation op(A) is represented in code by the Op enum.

Available std::ops implementations

Binary operators

The below table summarizes the currently supported binary operators between matrices. In general, binary operators between sparse matrices are only supported if both matrices are stored in the same format. All supported binary operators are implemented for all four combinations of values and references.

LHS (down) \ RHS (right) COO CSR CSC Dense
CSR + - * *
CSC + - * *
Dense + - *

As can be seen from the table, only CSR * Dense and CSC * Dense are supported. The other way around, i.e. Dense * CSR and Dense * CSC are not implemented.

Additionally, CsrMatrix and CscMatrix support multiplication with scalars, in addition to division by a scalar. Note that only Matrix * Scalar works in a generic context, although Scalar * Matrix has been implemented for many of the built-in arithmetic types. This is due to a fundamental restriction of the Rust type system. Therefore, in generic code you will need to always place the matrix on the left-hand side of the multiplication.

Unary operators

The following table lists currently supported unary operators.


Example usage

For example, consider the case where you want to compute the expression C <- 3.0 * C + 2.0 * A^T * B, where A, B, C are matrices and A^T is the transpose of A. The simplest way to write this is:

c = 3.0 * c + 2.0 * a.transpose() * b;

This is simple and straightforward to read, and therefore the recommended way to implement it. However, if you have determined that this is a performance bottleneck of your application, it may be possible to speed things up. First, let’s see what’s going on here. The std operations are evaluated eagerly. This means that the following steps take place:

  1. Evaluate let c_temp = 3.0 * c. This requires scaling all values of the matrix.
  2. Evaluate let a_t = a.transpose() into a new temporary matrix.
  3. Evaluate let a_t_b = a_t * b into a new temporary matrix.
  4. Evaluate let a_t_b_scaled = 2.0 * a_t_b. This requires scaling all values of the matrix.
  5. Evaluate c = c_temp + a_t_b_scaled.

An alternative way to implement this expression (here using CSR matrices) is:

use nalgebra_sparse::ops::{Op, serial::spmm_csr_prealloc};

// Evaluate the expression `c <- 3.0 * c + 2.0 * a^T * b
spmm_csr_prealloc(3.0, &mut c, 2.0, Op::Transpose(&a), Op::NoOp(&b))
    .expect("We assume that the pattern of C is able to accommodate the result.");

Compared to the simpler example, this snippet is harder to read, but it calls a single computational kernel that avoids many of the intermediate steps listed out before. Therefore directly calling kernels may sometimes lead to better performance. However, this should always be verified by performance profiling!


Serial sparse matrix arithmetic routines.


Determines whether a matrix should be transposed in a given operation.