nalgebra-glm 0.1.2

A computer-graphics oriented API for nalgebra, inspired by the C++ GLM library.
use na::{Real, DefaultAllocator};

use traits::{Number, Alloc, Dimension};
use aliases::{TVec, TVec3};

/// The cross product of two vectors.
pub fn cross<N: Number, D: Dimension>(x: &TVec3<N>, y: &TVec3<N>) -> TVec3<N> {

/// The distance between two points.
/// # See also:
/// * [`distance2`](fn.distance2.html)
pub fn distance<N: Real, D: Dimension>(p0: &TVec<N, D>, p1: &TVec<N, D>) -> N
    where DefaultAllocator: Alloc<N, D> {
   (p1 - p0).norm()

/// The dot product of two vectors.
pub fn dot<N: Number, D: Dimension>(x: &TVec<N, D>, y: &TVec<N, D>) -> N
    where DefaultAllocator: Alloc<N, D> {

/// If `dot(nref, i) < 0.0`, return `n`, otherwise, return `-n`.
pub fn faceforward<N: Number, D: Dimension>(n: &TVec<N, D>, i: &TVec<N, D>, nref: &TVec<N, D>) -> TVec<N, D>
    where DefaultAllocator: Alloc<N, D> {
    if < N::zero() {
    } else {

/// The magnitude of a vector.
/// A synonym for [`magnitude`](fn.magnitude.html).
/// # See also:
/// * [`length2`](fn.length2.html)
/// * [`magnitude`](fn.magnitude.html)
/// * [`magnitude2`](fn.magnitude2.html)
pub fn length<N: Real, D: Dimension>(x: &TVec<N, D>) -> N
    where DefaultAllocator: Alloc<N, D> {

/// The magnitude of a vector.
/// A wrapper around [`nalgebra::norm`](../nalgebra/fn.norm.html).
/// # See also:
/// * [`length`](fn.length.html)
/// * [`magnitude2`](fn.magnitude2.html)
/// * [`nalgebra::norm`](../nalgebra/fn.norm.html)
pub fn magnitude<N: Real, D: Dimension>(x: &TVec<N, D>) -> N
    where DefaultAllocator: Alloc<N, D> {

/// Normalizes a vector.
pub fn normalize<N: Real, D: Dimension>(x: &TVec<N, D>) -> TVec<N, D>
    where DefaultAllocator: Alloc<N, D> {

/// For the incident vector `i` and surface orientation `n`, returns the reflection direction : `result = i - 2.0 * dot(n, i) * n`.
pub fn reflect_vec<N: Number, D: Dimension>(i: &TVec<N, D>, n: &TVec<N, D>) -> TVec<N, D>
    where DefaultAllocator: Alloc<N, D> {
    let _2 = N::one() + N::one();
    i - n * ( * _2)

/// For the incident vector `i` and surface normal `n`, and the ratio of indices of refraction `eta`, return the refraction vector.
pub fn refract_vec<N: Real, D: Dimension>(i: &TVec<N, D>, n: &TVec<N, D>, eta: N) -> TVec<N, D>
    where DefaultAllocator: Alloc<N, D> {

    let ni =;
    let k = N::one() - eta * eta * (N::one() - ni * ni);

    if k < N::zero() {
        TVec::<_, D>::zeros()
    else {
        i * eta - n * (eta * dot(n, i) + k.sqrt())