nakamoto 0.1.0

A high-assurance Bitcoin light-client


Nakamoto is a high-assurance Bitcoin light-client implementation in Rust. It can function either as a library, or as a standalone daemon.


  • High assurance: the library should be thoroughly tested using modern techniques such as property and model testing^0 as well as discrete event simulation^2. These methods require a more thorough approach to testing, and a specific kind of software architecture, but have been shown to catch more bugs than traditional approaches.

  • Security: as a library that may find its way into wallet implementations, a primary goal is security and auditability. For this reason, we try to minimize the dependency footprint and use of unsafe code.

  • Performance and memory: the library should be able to synchronize the bitcoin blockchain as fast as possible, without consuming copious amounts of memory or disk space. We target resource-constrainted environments, such as mobile.

  • Privacy: when possible, privacy-preserving techniques should be employed. For example, Client Side Block Filtering (BIP 157/158) should be used over bloom filters (BIP 37) to ensure user privacy.

  • Documentation: special attention should be made to documentation, both of the code and APIs, for this library to be as developer-friendly as possible.


Licensed under the MIT license. © 2020 Alexis Sellier (