Module nakadion::handler[][src]

Expand description

Kit for creating a a handler for batches of events

Start here if you want to implement a handler for processing of events


Information on the current batch passed to a BatchHandler.

Statistics on the processed batch

A cheaply cloneable and sliceable chunk of contiguous memory.

An error for cases where further investigation is not necessary.

Simple wrapper for BatchHandlers from closures


Returned by a BatchHandler and tell Nakadion how to continue.

This is basically the same as a ProcessingStatus but returned from a EventsHandler.

Defines what a BatchHandler will receive.

Returned by a BatchHandler when queried on inactivity.


A handler that implements batch processing logic.

A factory that creates BatchHandlers.

Basically the same a BatchHandler with the difference that deserialized events are passed to the processing logic.

Type Definitions