naja_async_runtime 0.5.0-deprecated.1

A lightweight universal runtime for futures.
	crate :: { import::*, Error } ,
	super :: { Config           } ,

#[ cfg( feature = "localpool"  ) ] pub mod localpool  ;
#[ cfg( feature = "async_std"  ) ] pub mod async_std  ;
#[ cfg( feature = "tokio_ct"   ) ] pub mod tokio_ct   ;
#[ cfg( feature = "bindgen"    ) ]     mod bindgen    ;
#[ cfg( feature = "juliex"     ) ]     mod juliex     ;
#[ cfg( feature = "threadpool" ) ]     mod threadpool ;

#[ cfg( feature = "async_std"  ) ] use async_std  :: AsyncStd   ;
#[ cfg( feature = "bindgen"    ) ] use bindgen    :: Bindgen    ;
#[ cfg( feature = "juliex"     ) ] use juliex     :: Juliex     ;
#[ cfg( feature = "threadpool" ) ] use threadpool :: ThreadPool ;
#[ cfg( feature = "localpool"  ) ] use localpool  :: LocalPool  ;
#[ cfg( feature = "tokio_ct"   ) ] use tokio_ct   :: TokioCt    ;

/// The different executors we support.
// The tokio_ct is 256 bytes bigger than the next largest variant.
#[ allow( variant_size_differences ) ]
pub(crate) enum Executor
	#[ cfg( feature = "juliex" ) ]
	Juliex( Juliex ),

	#[ cfg( feature = "threadpool" ) ]
	ThreadPool( ThreadPool ),

	#[ cfg( feature = "async_std" ) ]
	AsyncStd( AsyncStd ),

	/// An executor that runs futures on the current thread, capable of running `!`[`Send`] futures. Uses
	/// `futures::executor::LocalPool`.
	#[ cfg( feature = "localpool" ) ]
	LocalPool( LocalPool ),

	/// An executor that runs futures on the current thread, capable of running `!`[`Send`] futures. Uses
	/// `tokio_executor::`.
	#[ cfg( feature = "tokio_ct" ) ]
	TokioCt( TokioCt ),

	/// An executor that uses wasm-bindgen-futures under the hood. This is the only executor available on wasm
	/// at the moment. It is also only available on the wasm32-unknown-unknown target.
	#[ cfg( feature = "bindgen" ) ]
	Bindgen( Bindgen ),

	/// Protect against adding other options being breaking changes.

impl Executor
	pub(crate) fn new( config: Config ) -> Self
		match config
			#[ cfg( feature = "localpool"  ) ] Config::LocalPool  => Self::LocalPool ( LocalPool  ::new() ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "async_std"  ) ] Config::AsyncStd   => Self::AsyncStd  ( AsyncStd   ::new() ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "juliex"     ) ] Config::Juliex     => Self::Juliex    ( Juliex     ::new() ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "threadpool" ) ] Config::ThreadPool => Self::ThreadPool( ThreadPool ::new() ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "bindgen"    ) ] Config::Bindgen    => Self::Bindgen   ( Bindgen    ::new() ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "tokio_ct"   ) ] Config::TokioCt    => Self::TokioCt   ( TokioCt    ::new() ),

			_ => unreachable!(),

	pub(crate) fn config( &self ) -> Config
		match self
			#[ cfg( feature = "localpool"  ) ] Self::LocalPool (_) => Config::LocalPool  ,
			#[ cfg( feature = "juliex"     ) ] Self::Juliex    (_) => Config::Juliex     ,
			#[ cfg( feature = "threadpool" ) ] Self::ThreadPool(_) => Config::ThreadPool ,
			#[ cfg( feature = "async_std"  ) ] Self::AsyncStd  (_) => Config::AsyncStd   ,
			#[ cfg( feature = "bindgen"    ) ] Self::Bindgen   (_) => Config::Bindgen    ,
			#[ cfg( feature = "tokio_ct"   ) ] Self::TokioCt   (_) => Config::TokioCt    ,

			_ => unreachable!(),

	// For the case where we compile without an executor enabled, the fut variable will be unused.
	#[ allow( unused_variables ) ]
	pub(crate) fn spawn( &self, fut: impl Future< Output = () > + 'static + Send ) -> Result< (), Error >
		match self
			#[ cfg( feature = "localpool"  ) ] Self::LocalPool  (e) => e.spawn( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "juliex"     ) ] Self::Juliex     (e) => e.spawn( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "threadpool" ) ] Self::ThreadPool (e) => e.spawn( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "async_std"  ) ] Self::AsyncStd   (e) => e.spawn( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "bindgen"    ) ] Self::Bindgen    (e) => e.spawn( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "tokio_ct"   ) ] Self::TokioCt    (e) => e.spawn( fut ),

			_ => unreachable!(),

	// For the case where we compile without an executor enabled, the fut variable will be unused.
	#[ allow( unused_variables ) ]
	pub(crate) fn spawn_local( &self, fut: impl Future< Output = () > + 'static ) -> Result< (), Error >
		match self
			#[ cfg( feature = "localpool"  ) ] Self::LocalPool  (e) => e.spawn_local( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "juliex"     ) ] Self::Juliex     (e) => e.spawn_local( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "threadpool" ) ] Self::ThreadPool (e) => e.spawn_local( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "async_std"  ) ] Self::AsyncStd   (e) => e.spawn_local( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "bindgen"    ) ] Self::Bindgen    (e) => e.spawn_local( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "tokio_ct"   ) ] Self::TokioCt    (e) => e.spawn_local( fut ),

			_ => unreachable!(),

	/// Spawn a future and recover the output.
	// For the case where we compile without an executor enabled, the fut variable will be unused.
	#[ allow( unused_variables ) ]
	pub(crate) fn spawn_handle<T: 'static + Send>( &self, fut: impl Future< Output=T > + Send + 'static )

		-> Result< Box< dyn Future< Output=T > + Unpin + Send + 'static >, Error >

		match self
			#[ cfg( feature = "localpool"  ) ] Self::LocalPool (e) => e.spawn_handle( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "juliex"     ) ] Self::Juliex    (e) => e.spawn_handle( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "threadpool" ) ] Self::ThreadPool(e) => e.spawn_handle( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "async_std"  ) ] Self::AsyncStd  (e) => e.spawn_handle( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "bindgen"    ) ] Self::Bindgen   (e) => e.spawn_handle( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "tokio_ct"   ) ] Self::TokioCt   (e) => e.spawn_handle( fut ),

			_ => unreachable!(),

	/// Spawn a future and recover the output for `!Send` futures.
	// For the case where we compile without an executor enabled, the fut variable will be unused.
	#[ allow( unused_variables ) ]
	pub(crate) fn spawn_handle_local<T: 'static + Send>( &self, fut: impl Future< Output=T > + 'static )

		-> Result< Box< dyn Future< Output=T > + 'static + Unpin >, Error >

		match self
			#[ cfg( feature = "localpool"  ) ] Self::LocalPool (e) => e.spawn_handle_local( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "juliex"     ) ] Self::Juliex    (e) => e.spawn_handle_local( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "threadpool" ) ] Self::ThreadPool(e) => e.spawn_handle_local( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "async_std"  ) ] Self::AsyncStd  (e) => e.spawn_handle_local( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "bindgen"    ) ] Self::Bindgen   (e) => e.spawn_handle_local( fut ),
			#[ cfg( feature = "tokio_ct"   ) ] Self::TokioCt   (e) => e.spawn_handle_local( fut ),

			_ => unreachable!(),