Module na::simd

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Traits implemented by SIMD types and non-SIMD types.


An Simd boolean structure that implements all the relevant traits from num an simba.

An Simd structure that implements all the relevant traits from num an simba.

Generalization of Option for SIMD computation.

An SIMD boolean structure associated to wide::f32x4 that implements all the relevant traits from simba.

An SIMD boolean structure associated to wide::f32x8 that implements all the relevant traits from simba.

A wrapper type of wide::f32x4 that implements all the relevant traits from num and simba.

A wrapper type of wide::f32x8 that implements all the relevant traits from num and simba.


Marker trait implemented by SIMD and non-SIMD primitive numeric values.

Lane-wise generalization of bool for SIMD booleans.

Lane-wise generalisation of ComplexField for SIMD complex fields.

Lane-wise generalization of the standard PartialOrd for SIMD values.

Lanewise generalization of RealField for SIMD reals.

A lane-wise generalization of num::Signed for SIMD values.

Base trait for every SIMD types.

Type Definitions