Crate mzdata

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mzdata provides basic access to raw and processed mass spectrometry data formats in Rust.

The library currently supports reading:

  1. MGF files using MGFReader in mzdata::io::mgf
  2. mzML & indexedmzML files using MzMLReader in mzdata::io::mzml
  3. mzMLb files using MzMLbReader in mzdata::io::mzmlb, if the mzmlb feature is enabled
  4. Thermo RAW files using ThermoRawReader in mzdata::io::thermo, if the thermo feature is enabled

and writing:

  1. MGF files using MGFWriter in mzdata::io::mgf
  2. mzML & indexedmzML files using MzMLWriter in mzdata::io::mzml
  3. mzMLb files using MzMLbWriter in mzdata::io::mzmlb, if the mzmlb feature is enabled

This menagerie of different formats and gzip compression or not can be inferred from a path or io::Read using io::infer_format and io::infer_from_stream. Conventional dispatch is possible through MZReader. The mz_read macro provides a convenient means of working with a value with zero added overhead, but with a limited scope. The mz_write macro is the equivalent for opening a writer. There are additional tools for dealing with file format dispatch in MassSpectrometryReadWriteProcess.

It also includes a set of representation layers for spectra in mzdata::spectrum


use std::fs;
use mzdata::prelude::*;
use mzpeaks::Tolerance;
use mzdata::MZReader;
use mzdata::spectrum::SignalContinuity;

let reader = MZReader::open_path("./test/data/small.mzML").unwrap();
for spectrum in reader {
    println!("Scan {} => BP {}",, spectrum.peaks().base_peak().mz);

    if spectrum.signal_continuity() == SignalContinuity::Centroid {
        let peak_picked = spectrum.into_centroid().unwrap();
        println!("Matches for 579.155: {:?}",
                    579.155, Tolerance::Da(0.02)

It uses mzpeaks to represent peaks and peak lists, and re-exports the basic types. While the high-level types are templated on simple peak types, more complex, application-specific peak types can be substituted. See mzdata::spectrum::bindata for more information about how to directly convert data arrays to peak lists.


The library makes heavy use of traits to abstract over the implementation details of different file formats. These traits are included in mzdata::prelude. It also imports mzpeaks::prelude.



  • Reading and writing mass spectrometry data file formats and abstractions over them.
  • Metadata describing mass spectrometry data files and their contents.
  • Elements of controlled vocabularies used to describe mass spectra and their components.
  • A set of foundational traits used throughout the library.
  • The data structures and components that represent a mass spectrum and how to access their data.
