mzandvliets_hello_world_crate 0.1.2

Merely a test package to follow along with the Rust Book, carry on. Nothing to see here.
You can override compilation aspects of profiles in Cargo.toml


opt-level = 0

opt-level = 3

Write doc comments with ///
Write sections with #MySection
Insert source snippets wrapped in ```

Generate docs with:
cargo doc
cargo doc --open // opens html docs in browser

Other common sections:

Code documentation of library functions will be compiled when running cargo test

//! generates docs that describe general library function


cargo publish // publishes to with version you specified in Cargo.toml

Cannot delete crates because that would mess up the Rust ecosystem. You can however yank stuff:

cargo yank --vers 0.1.1

If you mess up a yank, you can undo it:

cargo yank --vers 0.1.1 --undo


use my_library;

fn main() {
    let five = 5;
    let six = my_library::add_one(five);

    println!("Value: {}", six);

    println!("Nothing much changes, but this text is only in the new version!");