mz_rusoto_elasticache 0.46.0

AWS SDK for Rust - Amazon ElastiCache @ 2015-02-02
// =================================================================
//                           * WARNING *
//                    This file is generated!
//  Changes made to this file will be overwritten. If changes are
//  required to the generated code, the service_crategen project
//  must be updated to generate the changes.
// =================================================================
    html_logo_url = ""
//! <p><fullname>Amazon ElastiCache</fullname> <p>Amazon ElastiCache is a web service that makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale a distributed cache in the cloud.</p> <p>With ElastiCache, customers get all of the benefits of a high-performance, in-memory cache with less of the administrative burden involved in launching and managing a distributed cache. The service makes setup, scaling, and cluster failure handling much simpler than in a self-managed cache deployment.</p> <p>In addition, through integration with Amazon CloudWatch, customers get enhanced visibility into the key performance statistics associated with their cache and can receive alarms if a part of their cache runs hot.</p></p>
//! If you're using the service, you're probably looking for [ElastiCacheClient](struct.ElastiCacheClient.html) and [ElastiCache](trait.ElastiCache.html).

mod custom;
mod generated;
pub use custom::*;
pub use generated::*;