mysql_enum 0.1.2

Convert between Rust enum and MySQL enum
# mysql enum derive

### Description
This crate provides a derive that adds boilerplate code to convert a MySQL row value into an enum.  
This crate does *not* provide functionality to convert an enum into a string or vice versa. 
In order to provide *to_string()* and *String::parse(..)* functions you must include another crate.
However there are many crates that can do this, choose one!

### Example

To use your enum with MySQL with the help of [strum](, add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

mysql_enum ="0.1"
strum = "0.14"
strum_macros = "0.14"

Now annotate your enum.

use mysql_enum::MysqlEnum;
use strum_macros::{Display, EnumString};

#[derive(PartialEq, EnumString, Display, MysqlEnum)]
pub enum UserRole {

For a complete example check out the test function.

# License

mysql_enum is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the
Apache License (Version 2.0).