mycelium-bitfield 0.1.5

Structured bitfields, courtesy of Mycelium.
/// Generates a typed bitfield struct.
/// By default, the [`fmt::Debug`], [`fmt::Display`], [`fmt::Binary`], [`Copy`],
/// and [`Clone`] traits are automatically derived for bitfields.
/// All bitfield types are [`#[repr(transparent)]`][transparent].
/// For a complete example of the methods generated by the `bitfield!` macro,
/// see the [`example`] module's [`ExampleBitfield`] type.
/// # Generated Implementations
/// The `bitfield!` macro generates a type with the following functions, where
/// `{int}` is the integer type that represents the bitfield (one of [`u8`],
/// [`u16`], [`u32`], [`u64`], [`u128`], or [`usize`]):
/// - `const fn new() -> Self`: Returns a new instance of the bitfield type with
///   all bits zeroed.
/// - `const fn from_bits(bits: {int}) -> Self`: Converts an `{int}` into an
///   instance of the bitfield type.
/// - `const fn bits(self) -> {int}`: Returns this bitfield's bits as a raw
///   integer value.
/// - `fn with<U>(self, packer: Self::Packer<U>, value: U) -> Self`: Given one
///   of this type's generated packing specs for a `U`-typed value, and a
///   `U`-typed value, returns a new instance of `Self` with the bit
///   representation of `value` packed into the range represented by `packer`.
/// - `fn set<U>(&mut self, packer: Self::Packer<U>, value: U) -> &mut Self`:
///   Similar to `with`, except `self` is mutated in place, rather than
///   returning a new  nstance of `Self`
/// - `fn get<U>(&self, packer: Self::Packer<U>) -> U`: Given one of this type's
///   generated packing specs for a `U`-typed value, unpacks the bit range
///   represented by that value as a `U` and returns it. This method panics if
///   the requested bit range does not contain a valid bit pattern for a
///   `U`-typed value, as determined by `U`'s implementation of the [`FromBits`]
///   trait.
/// - `fn try_get<U>(&self, packer: Self::Packer<U>) -> Result<U, <U as
///   FromBits>::Error>`: Like `get`, but returns a `Result` instead of
///   panicking.
/// - `fn assert_valid()`: Asserts that the generated bitfield type is valid.
///   This is primarily intended to be used in tests; the macro cannot generate
///   tests for a bitfield type on its own, so a test that simply calls
///   `assert_valid` can be added to check the bitfield type's validity.
/// - `fn display_ascii(&self) -> impl core::fmt::Display`: Returns a
///   [`fmt::Display`] implementation that formats the bitfield in a multi-line
///   format, using only ASCII characters. See [here](#example-display-output)
///   for examples of this format.
/// - `fn display_unicode(&self) -> impl core::fmt::Display`: Returns a
///   [`fmt::Display`] implementation that formats the bitfield in a multi-line
///   format, always using Unicode box-drawing characters. See
///   [here](#example-display-output) for examples of this format.
/// The visibility of these methods depends on the visibility of the bitfield
/// struct --- if the struct is defined as `pub(crate) struct MyBitfield<u16> {
/// ... }`, then these functions will all be `pub(crate)` as well.
/// If a bitfield type is defined with one visibility, but particular subfields
/// of that bitfield should not be public, the individual fields may also have
/// visibility specifiers. For example, if the bitfield struct `MyBitfield` is
/// `pub`, but the subfield named `PRIVATE_SUBFIELD` is `pub(crate)`, then
/// `my_bitfield.get(MyBitfield::PRIVATE_SUBRANGE)` can only be called inside
/// the crate defining the type, because the `PRIVATE_SUBRANGE` constant is not
/// publicly visible.
/// In addition to the inherent methods discussed above, the following trait
/// implementations are always generated:
/// - [`fmt::Debug`]: The `Debug` implementation prints the bitfield as a
///       "struct", with a "field" for each packing spec in the bitfield. If any
///       of the bitfield's packing specs pack typed values, that type's
///       [`fmt::Debug`] implementation is used rather than printing the value
///       as an integer.
/// - [`fmt::Binary`]: Prints the raw bits of this bitfield as a binary number.
/// - [`fmt::UpperHex`] and [`fmt::LowerHex`]: Prints the raw bits of this
///       bitfield in hexadecimal.
/// - [`fmt::Display`]: Pretty-prints the bitfield in a very nice-looking
///       multi-line format which I'm rather proud of. See
///       [here](#example-display-output) for examples of this format.
/// - [`Copy`]: Behaves identically as the [`Copy`] implementation for the
///       underlying integer type.
/// - [`Clone`]: Behaves identically as the [`Clone`] implementation for the
///       underlying integer type.
/// - [`From`]`<{int}> for Self`: Converts a raw integer value into an instance
///   of the bitfield type. This is equivalent to calling the bitfield type's
///   `from_bits` function.
/// - [`From`]`<Self> for {int}`: Converts an instance of the bitfield type into
///   a raw integer value. This is equivalent to calling the bitfield type's
///   `bits` method.
/// Additional traits may be derived for the bitfield type, such as
/// [`PartialEq`], [`Eq`], and [`Default`]. These traits are not automatically
/// derived, as custom implementations may also be desired, depending on the
/// use-case. For example, the `Default` value for a bitfield may _not_ be all
/// zeroes.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// mycelium_bitfield::bitfield! {
///     /// Bitfield types can have doc comments.
///     #[derive(Eq, PartialEq)] // ...and attributes
///     pub struct MyBitfield<u16> {
///         // Generates a packing spec named `HELLO` for the first 6
///         // least-significant bits.
///         pub const HELLO = 6;
///         // Fields with names starting with `_` can be used to mark bits as
///         // reserved.
///         const _RESERVED = 4;
///         // Generates a packing spec named `WORLD` for the next 3 bits.
///         pub const WORLD = 3;
///     }
/// }
/// // Bitfield types can be cheaply constructed from a raw numeric
/// // representation:
/// let bitfield = MyBitfield::from_bits(0b10100_0011_0101);
/// // `get` methods can be used to unpack fields from a bitfield type:
/// assert_eq!(bitfield.get(MyBitfield::HELLO), 0b11_0101);
/// assert_eq!(bitfield.get(MyBitfield::WORLD), 0b0101);
/// // `with` methods can be used to pack bits into a bitfield type by
/// // value:
/// let bitfield2 = MyBitfield::new()
///     .with(MyBitfield::HELLO, 0b11_0101)
///     .with(MyBitfield::WORLD, 0b0101);
/// assert_eq!(bitfield, bitfield2);
/// // `set` methods can be used to mutate a bitfield type in place:
/// let mut bitfield3 = MyBitfield::new();
/// bitfield3
///     .set(MyBitfield::HELLO, 0b011_0101)
///     .set(MyBitfield::WORLD, 0b0101);
/// assert_eq!(bitfield, bitfield3);
/// ```
/// Bitfields may also contain typed values, as long as those values implement
/// the [`FromBits`] trait. [`FromBits`] may be manually implemented, or
/// generated automatically for `enum` types using the [`enum_from_bits!`] macro:
/// ```
/// use mycelium_bitfield::{bitfield, enum_from_bits, FromBits};
/// // An enum type can implement the `FromBits` trait if it has a
/// // `#[repr(uN)]` attribute.
/// #[repr(u8)]
/// #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
/// enum MyEnum {
///     Foo = 0b00,
///     Bar = 0b01,
///     Baz = 0b10,
/// }
/// impl FromBits<u32> for MyEnum {
///     // Two bits can represent all possible `MyEnum` values.
///     const BITS: u32 = 2;
///     type Error = &'static str;
///     fn try_from_bits(bits: u32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
///         match bits as u8 {
///             bits if bits == Self::Foo as u8 => Ok(Self::Foo),
///             bits if bits == Self::Bar as u8 => Ok(Self::Bar),
///             bits if bits == Self::Baz as u8 => Ok(Self::Baz),
///             _ => Err("expected one of 0b00, 0b01, or 0b10"),
///         }
///     }
///     fn into_bits(self) -> u32 {
///         self as u8 as u32
///     }
/// }
/// // Alternatively, the `enum_from_bits!` macro can be used to
/// // automatically generate a `FromBits` implementation for an
/// // enum type.
/// //
/// // The macro will generate very similar code to the example
/// // manual implementation above.
/// enum_from_bits! {
///     #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
///     pub enum MyGeneratedEnum<u8> {
///         /// Isn't this cool?
///         Wow = 0b1001,
///         /// It sure is! :D
///         Whoa = 0b0110,
///     }
/// }
/// bitfield! {
///     pub struct TypedBitfield<u32> {
///         /// Use the first two bits to represent a typed `MyEnum` value.
///         const ENUM_VALUE: MyEnum;
///         /// Typed values and untyped raw bit fields can be used in the
///         /// same bitfield type.
///         pub const SOME_BITS = 6;
///         /// The `FromBits` trait is also implemented for `bool`, which
///         /// can be used to implement bitflags.
///         pub const FLAG_1: bool;
///         pub const FLAG_2: bool;
///         /// `FromBits` is also implemented by (signed and unsigned) integer
///         /// types. This will allow the next 8 bits to be treated as a `u8`.
///         pub const A_BYTE: u8;
///         /// We can also use the automatically generated enum:
///         pub const OTHER_ENUM: MyGeneratedEnum;
///     }
/// }
/// // Unpacking a typed value with `get` will return that value, or panic if
/// // the bit pattern is invalid:
/// let my_bitfield = TypedBitfield::from_bits(0b0010_0100_0011_0101_1001_1110);
/// assert_eq!(my_bitfield.get(TypedBitfield::ENUM_VALUE), MyEnum::Baz);
/// assert_eq!(my_bitfield.get(TypedBitfield::FLAG_1), true);
/// assert_eq!(my_bitfield.get(TypedBitfield::FLAG_2), false);
/// assert_eq!(my_bitfield.get(TypedBitfield::OTHER_ENUM), MyGeneratedEnum::Wow);
/// // The `try_get` method will return an error rather than panicking if an
/// // invalid bit pattern is encountered:
/// let invalid = TypedBitfield::from_bits(0b0011);
/// // There is no `MyEnum` variant for 0b11.
/// assert!(invalid.try_get(TypedBitfield::ENUM_VALUE).is_err());
/// ```
/// Packing specs from one bitfield type may *not* be used with a different
/// bitfield type's `get`, `set`, or `with` methods. For example, the following
/// is a type error:
/// ```compile_fail
/// use mycelium_bitfield::bitfield;
/// bitfield! {
///     struct Bitfield1<u8> {
///         pub const FOO: bool;
///         pub const BAR: bool;
///         pub const BAZ = 6;
///     }
/// }
/// bitfield! {
///     struct Bitfield2<u8> {
///         pub const ALICE = 2;
///         pub const BOB = 4;
///         pub const CHARLIE = 2;
///     }
/// }
/// // This is a *type error*, because `Bitfield2`'s field `ALICE` cannot be
/// // used with a `Bitfield2` value:
/// let bits = Bitfield1::new().with(Bitfield2::ALICE, 0b11);
/// ```
/// ## Example `Display` Output
/// Bitfields will automatically generate a pretty, multi-line [`fmt::Display`]
/// implementation. The default [`fmt::Display`] specifier uses only ASCII
/// characters, but when Unicode box-drawing characters are also available, the
/// alternate (`{:#}`) [`fmt::Display`] specifier may be used to select a
/// `Display` implementation that uses those characters, and is (in my opinion)
/// even prettier than the default.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// # use mycelium_bitfield::{bitfield, FromBits};
/// #
/// # #[repr(u8)]
/// # #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
/// # enum MyEnum {
/// #     Foo = 0b00,
/// #     Bar = 0b01,
/// #     Baz = 0b10,
/// # }
/// #
/// # impl FromBits<u32> for MyEnum {
/// #     const BITS: u32 = 2;
/// #     type Error = &'static str;
/// #
/// #     fn try_from_bits(bits: u32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
/// #         match bits as u8 {
/// #             bits if bits == Self::Foo as u8 => Ok(Self::Foo),
/// #             bits if bits == Self::Bar as u8 => Ok(Self::Bar),
/// #             bits if bits == Self::Baz as u8 => Ok(Self::Baz),
/// #             _ => Err("expected one of 0b00, 0b01, or 0b10"),
/// #         }
/// #     }
/// #
/// #     fn into_bits(self) -> u32 {
/// #         self as u8 as u32
/// #     }
/// # }
/// # bitfield! {
/// #      pub struct TypedBitfield<u32> {
/// #          const ENUM_VALUE: MyEnum;
/// #          pub const SOME_BITS = 6;
/// #          pub const FLAG_1: bool;
/// #          pub const FLAG_2: bool;
/// #          pub const A_BYTE: u8;
/// #      }
/// # }
/// // Create an example bitfield.
/// let my_bitfield = TypedBitfield::from_bits(0b0011_0101_1001_1110);
/// // The default `Display` implementation uses only ASCII characters:
/// let formatted_ascii = format!("{my_bitfield}");
/// let expected = r#"
/// 00000000000000000011010110011110
///..............................10 ENUM_VALUE: Baz
///........................100111.. SOME_BITS: 39
///.......................1........ FLAG_1: true
///......................0......... FLAG_2: false
///..............00001101.......... A_BYTE: 13
/// "#.trim_start();
/// assert_eq!(formatted_ascii, expected);
/// // The alternate `Display` format uses Unicode box-drawing characters,
/// // and looks even nicer:
/// let formatted_unicode = format!("{my_bitfield:#}");
/// let expected = r#"
/// 00000000000000000011010110011110
///               └┬─────┘││└┬───┘└┤
///                │      ││ │     └ ENUM_VALUE: Baz (10)
///                │      ││ └────── SOME_BITS: 39 (100111)
///                │      │└─────────── FLAG_1: true (1)
///                │      └──────────── FLAG_2: false (0)
///                └─────────────────── A_BYTE: 13 (00001101)
/// "#.trim_start();
/// assert_eq!(formatted_unicode, expected);
/// ```
/// For situations where the use of ASCII or Unicode formats is always desired
/// regardless of the behavior of an upstream formatter (e.g., when returning a
/// `fmt::Display` value that doesn't know what format specifier will be used),
/// bitfield types also generate `display_ascii()` and `display_unicode()`
/// methods. These methods return `impl fmt::Display` values that *always*
/// select either the ASCII or Unicode `Display` implementations explicitly,
/// regardless of whether or not the alternate formatting specifier is used.
/// [`fmt::Debug`]: core::fmt::Debug
/// [`fmt::Display`]: core::fmt::Display
/// [`fmt::Binary`]: core::fmt::Binary
/// [`fmt::UpperHex`]: core::fmt::UpperHex
/// [`fmt::LowerHex`]: core::fmt::LowerHex
/// [transparent]:
/// [`example`]: crate::example
/// [`ExampleBitfield`]: crate::example::ExampleBitfield
/// [`FromBits`]: crate::FromBits
/// [`enum_from_bits!`]: crate::enum_from_bits!
macro_rules! bitfield {
        $vis:vis struct $Name:ident<$T:ident> {
                $field_vis:vis const $Field:ident $(: $F:ty)? $( = $val:tt)?;
    ) => {
        #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
        $vis struct $Name($T);

        impl core::fmt::Debug for $Name {
            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
                let mut dbg = f.debug_struct(stringify!($Name));
                        // skip reserved fields (names starting with `_`).
                        // NOTE(eliza): i hope this `if` gets const-folded...we
                        // could probably do this in a macro and guarantee that
                        // it happens at compile-time, but this is fine for now.
                        if !stringify!($Field).starts_with('_') {
                            dbg.field(stringify!($Field), &self.get(Self::$Field));


        // Some generated methods may not always be used, which may emit dead
        // code warnings if the type is private.
        impl $Name {
            $crate::bitfield! { @field<$T>:
                    $field_vis const $Field $(: $F)? $( = $val)?;

            const FIELDS: &'static [(&'static str, $crate::bitfield! { @t $T, $T, Self })] = &[$(
                (stringify!($Field), Self::$Field.typed())

            /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the provided raw bits.
            $vis const fn from_bits(bits: $T) -> Self {

            /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` with all bits set to 0.
            $vis const fn new() -> Self {

            /// Returns the raw bit representatiion of `self` as an integer.
            $vis const fn bits(self) -> $T {

            /// Packs the bit representation of `value` into `self` at the bit
            /// range designated by `field`, returning a new bitfield.
            $vis fn with<T>(self, field: $crate::bitfield! { @t $T, T, Self }, value: T) -> Self
                T: $crate::FromBits<$T>,
                Self(field.pack(value, self.0))

            /// Packs the bit representation of `value` into `self` at the range
            /// designated by `field`, mutating `self` in place.
            $vis fn set<T>(&mut self, field: $crate::bitfield! { @t $T, T, Self }, value: T) -> &mut Self
                T: $crate::FromBits<$T>,
                field.pack_into(value, &mut self.0);

            /// Unpacks the bit range represented by `field` from `self`, and
            /// converts it into a `T`-typed value.
            /// # Panics
            /// This method panics if `self` does not contain a valid bit
            /// pattern for a `T`-typed value, as determined by `T`'s
            /// `FromBits::try_from_bits` implementation.
            $vis fn get<T>(self, field: $crate::bitfield! { @t $T, T, Self }) -> T
                T: $crate::FromBits<$T>,

            /// Unpacks the bit range represented by `field`
            /// from `self` and attempts to convert it into a `T`-typed value.
            /// # Returns
            /// - `Ok(T)` if a `T`-typed value could be constructed from the
            ///   bits in `src`
            /// - `Err(T::Error)` if `src` does not contain a valid bit
            ///   pattern for a `T`-typed value, as determined by `T`'s
            ///   [`FromBits::try_from_bits` implementation.
            $vis fn try_get<T>(self, field: $crate::bitfield! { @t $T, T, Self }) -> Result<T, T::Error>
                T: $crate::FromBits<$T>,

            /// Asserts that all the packing specs for this type are valid.
            /// This is intended to be used in unit tests.
            $vis fn assert_valid() {
                <$crate::bitfield! { @t $T, $T, Self }>::assert_all_valid(&Self::FIELDS);

            /// Returns a value that formats this bitfield in a multi-line
            /// format, using only ASCII characters.
            /// This is equivalent to formatting this bitfield using a `{}`
            /// display specifier, but will *never* use Unicode box-drawing
            /// characters, even when an upstream formatter uses the `{:#}`
            /// `fmt::Display` specifier. This is intended for use on platforms
            /// where Unicode box drawing characters are never available.
            $vis fn display_ascii(&self) -> impl core::fmt::Display {
                struct DisplayAscii($Name);
                impl core::fmt::Display for DisplayAscii {
                    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {

            /// Returns a value that formats this bitfield in a multi-line
            /// format, always using Unicode box-drawing characters.
            /// This is equivalent to formatting this bitfield using a `{:#}`
            /// format specifier, but will *always* use Unicode box-drawing
            /// characters, even when an upstream formatter uses the `{}`
            /// `fmt::Display` specifier.
            $vis fn display_unicode(&self) -> impl core::fmt::Display {
                struct DisplayUnicode($Name);
                impl core::fmt::Display for DisplayUnicode {
                    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {

            fn fmt_ascii(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
                writeln!(f, "{:0width$b}", self.0, width = $T::BITS as usize)?;
                    let field = Self::$Field;
                    const NAME: &str = stringify!($Field);
                    if !NAME.starts_with("_") {
                        let mut cur_pos = $T::BITS;
                        while cur_pos > field.most_significant_index() {
                            cur_pos -= 1;
                        write!(f, "{:0width$b}", field.unpack_bits(self.0), width = field.bits() as usize)?;
                        cur_pos -= field.bits();
                        while cur_pos > 0 {
                            cur_pos -= 1;
                        writeln!(f, " {NAME}: {:?}", field.unpack(self.0))?


            fn fmt_unicode(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
                writeln!(f, "{:0width$b}", self.0, width = $T::BITS as usize)?;
                let mut cur_pos = $T::BITS;
                let mut max_len = 0;
                let mut rem = 0;
                let mut fields = Self::FIELDS.iter().rev().peekable();
                while let Some((name, field)) = {
                    while cur_pos > field.most_significant_index() {
                        f.write_str(" ")?;
                        cur_pos -= 1;
                    let bits = field.bits();
                    match (name, bits) {
                        (name, bits) if name.starts_with("_") => {
                            for _ in 0..bits {
                                f.write_str(" ")?;
                            cur_pos -= bits;
                        (_, 1) => f.write_str("│")?,
                        (_, 2) => f.write_str("└┤")?,
                        (_, bits) => {
                            for _ in 0..(bits - 3) {

                    if fields.peek().is_none() {
                        rem = cur_pos - (bits - 1);

                    max_len = core::cmp::max(max_len, name.len());
                    cur_pos -= field.bits()


                    let field = Self::$Field;
                    let name = stringify!($Field);
                    if !name.starts_with("_") {
                        cur_pos = $T::BITS;
                        for (cur_name, cur_field) in Self::FIELDS.iter().rev() {
                            while cur_pos > cur_field.most_significant_index() {
                                f.write_str(" ")?;
                                cur_pos -= 1;

                            if field == cur_field {

                            let bits = cur_field.bits();
                            match (cur_name, bits) {
                                (name, bits) if name.starts_with("_") => {
                                    for _ in 0..bits {
                                        f.write_str(" ")?;
                                (_, 1) => f.write_str("│")?,
                                (_, bits) => {
                                    f.write_str(" │")?;
                                    for _ in 0..(bits - 2) {
                                        f.write_str(" ")?;

                            cur_pos -= bits;

                        let field_bits = field.bits();
                        if field_bits == 1 {
                            cur_pos -= 1;
                        } else {
                            f.write_str(" â””")?;
                            cur_pos -= 2;
                        let len = cur_pos as usize + (max_len - name.len());
                        for _ in rem as usize..len {
                        writeln!(f, " {}: {:?} ({:0width$b})", name, field.unpack(self.0), field.unpack_bits(self.0), width = field_bits as usize)?



        impl core::fmt::Display for $Name {
            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
                if f.alternate() {
                } else {

        impl core::fmt::Binary for $Name {
            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
                if f.alternate() {
                    write!(f, concat!(stringify!($Name), "({:#b})"), self.0)
                } else {
                    write!(f, concat!(stringify!($Name), "({:b})"), self.0)

        impl core::fmt::UpperHex for $Name {
            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
                if f.alternate() {
                    write!(f, concat!(stringify!($Name), "({:#X})"), self.0)
                } else {
                    write!(f, concat!(stringify!($Name), "({:X})"), self.0)

        impl core::fmt::LowerHex for $Name {
            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
                if f.alternate() {
                    write!(f, concat!(stringify!($Name), "({:#x})"), self.0)
                } else {
                    write!(f, concat!(stringify!($Name), "({:x})"), self.0)

        impl From<$T> for $Name {
            fn from(val: $T) -> Self {

        impl From<$Name> for $T {
            fn from($Name(bits): $Name) -> Self {
    (@field<$T:ident>, prev: $Prev:ident:
        $vis:vis const $Field:ident = ..;
    ) => {
        $vis const $Field: $crate::bitfield!{ @t $T, $T, Self } = Self::$Prev.remaining();
    (@field<$T:ident>, prev: $Prev:ident:
        $vis:vis const $Field:ident = $value:literal;
    ) => {
        $vis const $Field: $crate::bitfield!{ @t $T, $T, Self } = Self::$$value);
        $crate::bitfield!{ @field<$T>, prev: $Field: $($rest)* }

    (@field<$T:ident>, prev: $Prev:ident:
        $vis:vis const $Field:ident: $Val:ty;
    ) => {
        $vis const $Field: $crate::bitfield!{ @t $T, $Val, Self } = Self::$Prev.then::<$Val>();
        $crate::bitfield!{ @field<$T>, prev: $Field: $($rest)* }

    (@field<$T:ident>, prev: $Prev:ident: ) => {  };
        $vis:vis const $Field:ident = $value:literal;
    ) => {
        $vis const $Field: $crate::bitfield!{ @t $T, $T, Self } = <$crate::bitfield!{ @t $T, $T, () }>::least_significant($value).typed();
        $crate::bitfield!{ @field<$T>, prev: $Field: $($rest)* }

        $vis:vis const $Field:ident: $Val:ty;
    ) => {
        $vis const $Field: $crate::bitfield!{ @t $T, $Val, Self } = <$crate::bitfield!{ @t $T, $Val, Self } >::first();
        $crate::bitfield!{ @field<$T>, prev: $Field: $($rest)* }

    // (@process_meta $vis:vis struct $Name:ident<$T:ty> { $(#[$before:meta])* } #[derive($($Derive:path),+)] $(#[$after:meta])*) => {
    //     $crate::bitfield! { @process_derives $vis struct $Name<$T> { } $($Derive),+ { $(#[$before])* $(#[$after])* } }

    // };
    // (@process_meta $vis:vis struct $Name:ident<$T:ty> {  }) => {
    //     #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
    //     #[repr(transparent)]
    //     $vis struct $Name($T);
    // };
    // (@process_meta $vis:vis struct $Name:ident<$T:ty> { $(#[$before:meta])+ }) => {
    //     $(#[$before])*
    //     #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
    //     #[repr(transparent)]
    //     $vis struct $Name($T);
    // };
    // (@process_meta $vis:vis struct $Name:ident<$T:ty>  { $(#[$before:meta])* } #[$current:meta] $(#[$after:meta])*) => {
    //     $crate::bitfield! { @process_meta $vis struct $Name<$T> { $(#[$before])* #[$current] } $(#[$after])* }
    // };
    // (@process_derives $vis:vis struct $Name:ident<$T:ty> { Debug, } { $($rest:tt)* }) => {
    //     impl core::fmt::Debug for $Name {
    //         fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
    //             if f.alternate() {
    //                 f.debug_tuple(stringify!($Name)).field(&format_args!("{}", self)).finish()
    //             } else {
    //                 f.debug_tuple(stringify!($Name)).field(&format_args!("{:#b}", self)).finish()
    //             }

    //         }
    //     }
    //     #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
    //     #[repr(transparent)]
    //     $($rest)*
    //     $vis struct $Name($T);
    // };

    // (@process_derives $vis:vis struct $Name:ident<$T:ty> { Debug, $($Before:tt),+ } $($After:tt),+ { $($rest:tt)* }) => {
    //     impl core::fmt::Debug for $Name {
    //         fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
    //             if f.alternate() {
    //                 f.debug_tuple(stringify!($Name)).field(&format_args!("{}", self)).finish()
    //             } else {
    //                 f.debug_tuple(stringify!($Name)).field(&format_args!("{:#b}", self)).finish()
    //             }

    //         }
    //     }
    //     #[derive(Copy, Clone, $($Before),+ $($After),+)]
    //     #[repr(transparent)]
    //     $($rest)*
    //     $vis struct $Name($T);
    // };
    // (@process_derives $vis:vis struct $Name:ident<$T:ty> { Debug, $($Before:tt),+ } { $($rest:tt)* }) => {

    //     #[derive(Copy, Clone, $($Before),+)]
    //     #[repr(transparent)]
    //     $($rest)*
    //     $vis struct $Name($T);
    // };
    // (@process_derives $vis:vis struct $Name:ident<$T:ty> { $($Before:tt),+ $(,)? } { $($rest:tt)* }) => {
    //     #[derive($($Before),+)]
    //     #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
    //     #[repr(transparent)]
    //     $($rest)*
    //     $vis struct $Name($T);
    // };
    // (@process_derives $vis:vis struct $Name:ident<$T:ty> { $($Before:tt),* $(,)? } $Next:tt, $($After:tt),* { $($rest:tt)* }) => {
    //     $crate::bitfield! { @process_derives $vis struct $Name<$T> { $Next, $($Before),*  } $($After),* { $($rest)* } }
    // };
    // (@process_derives $vis:vis struct $Name:ident<$T:ty> { $($Before:tt),* } $Next:tt { $($rest:tt)* }) => {
    //     $crate::bitfield! { @process_derives $vis struct $Name<$T> { $Next, $($Before),* } { $($rest)* } }
    // };

    (@t usize, $V:ty, $F:ty) => { $crate::PackUsize<$V, $F> };
    (@t u128, $V:ty, $F:ty) => { $crate::Pack128<$V, $F> };
    (@t u64, $V:ty, $F:ty) => { $crate::Pack64<$V, $F> };
    (@t u32, $V:ty, $F:ty) => { $crate::Pack32<$V, $F> };
    (@t u16, $V:ty, $F:ty) => { $crate::Pack16<$V, $F> };
    (@t u8, $V:ty, $F:ty) => { $crate::Pack8<$V, $F> };
    (@t $T:ty, $V:ty, $F:ty) => { compile_error!(concat!("unsupported bitfield type `", stringify!($T), "`; expected one of `usize`, `u128`, `u64`, `u32`, `u16`, or `u8`")) }

mod tests {
    use crate::FromBits;

    bitfield! {
        struct TestBitfield<u32> {
            const HELLO = 4;
            const _RESERVED_1 = 3;
            const WORLD: bool;
            const HAVE: TestEnum;
            const LOTS = 5;
            const OF = 1;
            const FUN = 6;

    bitfield! {
        /// This is only here to ensure it compiles...
        struct TestBitfieldHuge<u128> {
            const HELLO = 4;
            const _RESERVED_1 = 3;
            const WORLD: bool;
            const HAVE: TestEnum;
            const LOTS = 5;
            const OF = 1;
            const FUN = 6;
            const REST = ..;

    enum TestEnum {
        Foo = 0b00,
        Bar = 0b01,
        Baz = 0b10,
        Qux = 0b11,

    impl FromBits<u32> for TestEnum {
        const BITS: u32 = 2;
        type Error = core::convert::Infallible;

        fn try_from_bits(bits: u32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
            Ok(match bits as u8 {
                bits if bits == Self::Foo as u8 => Self::Foo,
                bits if bits == Self::Bar as u8 => Self::Bar,
                bits if bits == Self::Baz as u8 => Self::Baz,
                bits if bits == Self::Qux as u8 => Self::Qux,
                bits => unreachable!("all patterns are covered: {:#b}", bits),

        fn into_bits(self) -> u32 {
            self as u8 as u32

    impl FromBits<u128> for TestEnum {
        const BITS: u32 = 2;
        type Error = core::convert::Infallible;

        fn try_from_bits(bits: u128) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
            FromBits::<u32>::try_from_bits(bits as u32)

        fn into_bits(self) -> u128 {
            self as u8 as u128

    struct TestDebug {
        value: usize,
        bits: TestBitfield,

    fn test_bitfield_format() {
        let test_bitfield = TestBitfield::new()
            .with(TestBitfield::HELLO, 0b1001)
            .with(TestBitfield::WORLD, true)
            .with(TestBitfield::HAVE, TestEnum::Bar)
            .with(TestBitfield::LOTS, 0b11010)
            .with(TestBitfield::OF, 0)
            .with(TestBitfield::FUN, 9);

        let ascii = test_bitfield.to_string();
        assert_eq!(ascii, test_bitfield.display_ascii().to_string());

        println!("test ASCII display:\n{ascii}");
        println!("test unicode display:\n{test_bitfield:#}\n");

        let test_debug = TestDebug {
            value: 42,
            bits: test_bitfield,

        println!("test_debug(alt): {test_debug:#?}\n");

        println!("test_debug: {test_debug:?}\n");

    fn macro_bitfield_valid() {