mycelium-bitfield 0.1.2

Structured bitfields, courtesy of Mycelium.
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## mycelium-bitfield-v0.1.2 - (2022-07-24)


### Fixed

- Respect 32 bit targets ([#255] ([9b02fae]
- Fix `raw_mask` shifting twice ([#262] ([8c34ef9]

## mycelium-bitfield-v0.1.1 - (2022-07-16)


### Documented

- Fix broken links in README ([aaa6137]

## mycelium-bitfield-v0.1.0 - (2022-07-16)

### Added

- Bitfield macro thingy ([#168] ([e8a1e1a]
- Add `mycelium-bitfield` crate ([#171] ([ae9c79a]
- Packing spec type safety ([#174] ([12ea600]
- Add `..` to use all remaining bits ([#176] ([7855a55]
- Add `WaitQueue` ([#191] ([85d5b00]

### Documented

- Document generated methods ([#173] ([1ded218]
- Add example generated code ([#172] ([5e5d0f4]
- Add a README and docs ([#254] ([777e379]
- Add missing docs for packing specs ([#254] ([f077270]
- Summarize generated code ([#254] ([5a053f6]
- Use tables in generated method docs ([#254] ([b57dbe6]
- Summarize the API in the README ([#254] ([c72450e]
- Link back to mycelium ([#254] ([b8025e5]

### Fixed

- `FromBits` for ints using all bits ([#176] ([5917629]
- Macro generating broken doc links ([#176] ([1920795]

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