mwatch-sdk 0.5.0

A development SDK for applications on the
authors = ["Scott Mabin <>"]
edition = "2018"
name = "mwatch-sdk"
version = "0.5.0"
description = "A development SDK for applications on the"
keywords = ["no-std", "embedded", "mwatch"]
repository = ""
readme = ""
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
exclude = [

mwatch-kernel = { package = "mwatch_kernel", version = "2.0.0" } 
embedded-graphics = "0.7.1"

heapless = { version = "0.4.1" }

codegen-units = 1 # better optimizations
debug = false # symbols are nice and they don't increase the size on Flash
lto = true # better optimizations
opt-level = "z" # optimize for size

default = ["panic-simple"]
panic-log = []
panic-simple = []