mwa_rust_core 0.2.0

Convenience Rust code that handles coordinate transformations, Jones matrices, etc. for the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope.
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//! Handle (right ascension, declination) coordinates.

use std::f64::consts::*;

use log::warn;

use super::hadec::HADec;
use super::lmn::LMN;

/// A struct containing a Right Ascension and Declination. All units are in
/// radians.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct RADec {
    /// Right ascension \[radians\]
    // TODO: Should RA always be positive?
    pub ra: f64,
    /// Declination \[radians\]
    pub dec: f64,

impl RADec {
    /// Make a new [RADec] struct from values in radians.
    pub fn new(ra_rad: f64, dec_rad: f64) -> RADec {
        Self {
            ra: ra_rad,
            dec: dec_rad,

    /// Make a new [RADec] struct from values in degrees.
    pub fn new_degrees(ra_deg: f64, dec_deg: f64) -> RADec {
        Self::new(ra_deg.to_radians(), dec_deg.to_radians())

    /// Given a local sidereal time, make a new [HADec] struct from a [RADec].
    pub fn to_hadec(self, lst_rad: f64) -> HADec {
        HADec {
            ha: lst_rad - self.ra,
            dec: self.dec,

    /// Given a local sidereal time, make a new [RADec] struct from a [HADec].
    pub fn from_hadec(hadec: HADec, lst_rad: f64) -> Self {
        Self {
            ra: lst_rad - hadec.ha,
            dec: hadec.dec,

    /// From a collection of [RADec] coordinates and weights, find the average
    /// [RADec] position. The lengths of both collection must be the same to get
    /// sensible results. Not providing any [RADec] coordinates will make this
    /// function return [None].
    /// This function accounts for Right Ascension coordinates that range over
    /// 360 degrees.
    pub fn weighted_average(radecs: &[Self], weights: &[f64]) -> Option<Self> {
        // Accounting for the 360 degree branch cut.
        let mut any_less_than_90 = false;
        let mut any_between_90_270 = false;
        let mut any_greater_than_270 = false;
        for radec in radecs {
            if (0.0..FRAC_PI_4).contains(&radec.ra) {
                any_less_than_90 = true;
            if (FRAC_PI_4..3.0 * FRAC_PI_4).contains(&radec.ra) {
                any_between_90_270 = true;
            if (3.0 * FRAC_PI_4..TAU).contains(&radec.ra) {
                any_greater_than_270 = true;

        let new_cutoff = match (any_less_than_90, any_between_90_270, any_greater_than_270) {
            // User is misusing the code!
            (false, false, false) => return None,

            // Easy ones.
            (true, false, false) => 0.0,
            (false, true, false) => 0.0,
            (false, false, true) => 0.0,
            (false, true, true) => 0.0,
            (true, true, false) => 0.0,

            // Surrounding 0 or 360.
            (true, false, true) => PI,

            // Danger zone.
            (true, true, true) => {
                warn!("Attempting to find the average RADec over a collection of coordinates that span many RAs!");

        let mut ra_sum = 0.0;
        let mut dec_sum = 0.0;
        let mut weight_sum = 0.0;
        for (c, w) in radecs.iter().zip(weights.iter()) {
            let ra = if c.ra > new_cutoff { c.ra - TAU } else { c.ra };
            ra_sum += ra * w;
            dec_sum += c.dec * w;
            weight_sum += w;
        let mut weighted_pos = Self::new(ra_sum / weight_sum, dec_sum / weight_sum);
        // Keep the RA positive.
        if weighted_pos.ra < 0.0 {
            weighted_pos.ra += TAU;


    /// Get the [LMN] direction cosines from an [RADec] and a phase centre.
    /// Derived using "Coordinate transformations" on page 388 of Synthesis
    /// Imaging in Radio Astronomy II.
    pub fn to_lmn(&self, phase_centre: RADec) -> LMN {
        let d_ra = self.ra - phase_centre.ra;
        let (s_d_ra, c_d_ra) = d_ra.sin_cos();
        let (s_dec, c_dec) = self.dec.sin_cos();
        let (pc_s_dec, pc_c_dec) = phase_centre.dec.sin_cos();
        LMN {
            l: c_dec * s_d_ra,
            m: s_dec * pc_c_dec - c_dec * pc_s_dec * c_d_ra,
            n: s_dec * pc_s_dec + c_dec * pc_c_dec * c_d_ra,

    /// Calculate the distance between two sets of coordinates \[radians\].
    /// Uses ERFA.
    pub fn separation(&self, b: Self) -> f64 {
        unsafe { erfa_sys::eraSeps(self.ra, self.dec, b.ra, b.dec) }

    /// Given an [`mwalib::MetafitsContext`], make an [Option<RADec>] from the
    /// `(ra|dec)_phase_center_degrees` if these are available, otherwise
    /// [None].
    #[cfg(feature = "mwalib")]
    pub fn from_mwalib_phase_center(context: &mwalib::MetafitsContext) -> Option<RADec> {
        match (
        ) {
            (Some(ra), Some(dec)) => Some(RADec::new_degrees(ra, dec)),
            (..) => None,

    /// Given an [`mwalib::MetafitsContext`], make a [RADec] from the
    /// `(ra|dec)_tile_pointing_degrees`.
    #[cfg(feature = "mwalib")]
    pub fn from_mwalib_tile_pointing(context: &mwalib::MetafitsContext) -> RADec {

    /// Given an [`mwalib::MetafitsContext`], make a [RADec] from the
    /// `(ra|dec)_phase_center_degrees` if these are available, otherwise use
    /// the `(ra|dec)_tile_pointing_degrees`.
    #[cfg(feature = "mwalib")]
    pub fn from_mwalib_phase_or_pointing(context: &mwalib::MetafitsContext) -> RADec {
        match RADec::from_mwalib_phase_center(context) {
            Some(radec) => radec,
            None => RADec::from_mwalib_tile_pointing(context),

impl std::fmt::Display for RADec {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
            "({:.4}°, {:.4}°)",

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use approx::assert_abs_diff_eq;

    fn test_to_lmn() {
        let radec = RADec::new_degrees(62.0, -27.5);
        let phase_centre = RADec::new_degrees(60.0, -27.0);
        let lmn = radec.to_lmn(phase_centre);
        let expected = LMN {
            l: 0.03095623164758603,
            m: -0.008971846102111436,
            n: 0.9994804738961642,
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(lmn.l, expected.l, epsilon = 1e-10);
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(lmn.m, expected.m, epsilon = 1e-10);
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(lmn.n, expected.n, epsilon = 1e-10);

    fn test_weighted_pos() {
        // Only the src variable matters here; the rest of the variables aren't
        // used when constructing `RankedSource`.

        // Simple case: both components have a weight of 1.0.
        let c1 = RADec::new_degrees(10.0, 9.0);
        let w1 = 1.0;
        let c2 = RADec::new_degrees(11.0, 10.0);
        let w2 = 1.0;
        let result = RADec::weighted_average(&[c1, c2], &[w1, w2]);
        let weighted_pos = result.unwrap();
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(weighted_pos.ra, 10.5_f64.to_radians(), epsilon = 1e-10);
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(weighted_pos.dec, 9.5_f64.to_radians(), epsilon = 1e-10);

        // Complex case: both components have different weights.
        let w1 = 3.0;
        let result = RADec::weighted_average(&[c1, c2], &[w1, w2]);
        let weighted_pos = result.unwrap();
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(weighted_pos.ra, 10.25_f64.to_radians(), epsilon = 1e-10);
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(weighted_pos.dec, 9.25_f64.to_radians(), epsilon = 1e-10);

    // This time, make the coordinates go across the 360 degree branch cut.
    fn test_weighted_pos2() {
        let c1 = RADec::new_degrees(10.0, 9.0);
        let w1 = 1.0;
        let c2 = RADec::new_degrees(359.0, 10.0);
        let w2 = 1.0;
        let result = RADec::weighted_average(&[c1, c2], &[w1, w2]);
        let weighted_pos = result.unwrap();
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(weighted_pos.ra, 4.5_f64.to_radians(), epsilon = 1e-10);
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(weighted_pos.dec, 9.5_f64.to_radians(), epsilon = 1e-10);

    fn test_weighted_pos_single() {
        let c = RADec::new(0.5, 0.75);
        let w = 1.0;
        let result = RADec::weighted_average(&[c], &[w]);
        let weighted_pos = result.unwrap();
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(weighted_pos.ra, 0.5, epsilon = 1e-10);
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(weighted_pos.dec, 0.75, epsilon = 1e-10);

    fn test_weighted_pos_empty() {
        let arr: Vec<RADec> = vec![];
        assert!(RADec::weighted_average(&arr, &[1.0]).is_none());