mwa_hyperbeam 0.5.0

Primary beam code for the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope.
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// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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//! Python interface to hyperbeam FEE code.

#[cfg(feature = "cuda-single")]
use marlu::c32;
use marlu::{c64, ndarray::prelude::*};
use numpy::*;
use pyo3::create_exception;
use pyo3::prelude::*;

use crate::fee::{FEEBeam as FEEBeamRust, FEEBeamError, InitFEEBeamError};

// Add a python exception for hyperbeam.
create_exception!(mwa_hyperbeam, HyperbeamError, pyo3::exceptions::PyException);
impl std::convert::From<FEEBeamError> for PyErr {
    fn from(err: FEEBeamError) -> PyErr {
impl std::convert::From<InitFEEBeamError> for PyErr {
    fn from(err: InitFEEBeamError) -> PyErr {

/// A Python class interfacing with the hyperbeam code written in Rust.
#[pyo3(text_signature = "(hdf5_file)")]
struct FEEBeam {
    beam: FEEBeamRust,

impl FEEBeam {
    /// Create a new `FEEBeam` object. This object is used for all beam
    /// calculations. If the path to the beam HDF5 file is not given, then the
    /// `MWA_BEAM_FILE` environment variable is used.
    fn new(hdf5_file: Option<PyObject>) -> PyResult<Self> {
        let strct = match hdf5_file {
            Some(f) => FEEBeamRust::new(f.to_string())?,
            None => FEEBeamRust::new_from_env()?,
        Ok(FEEBeam { beam: strct })

    /// Calculate the beam-response Jones matrix for a given direction and
    /// pointing. If `array_latitude_rad` is *not* supplied, the result will
    /// match the original specification of the FEE beam code (possibly more
    /// useful for engineers).
    /// Astronomers are more likely to want to specify `array_latitude_rad`
    /// (which will apply the parallactic-angle correction) and `iau_order`. If
    /// `array_latitude_rad` is not given, then `iau_reorder` does nothing. See
    /// this document for more information:
    /// <>
    /// `delays` and `amps` apply to each dipole in an MWA tile in the M&C
    /// order; see
    /// <>.
    /// `delays` *must* have 16 elements, whereas `amps` can have 16 or 32
    /// elements; if 16 are given, then these map 1:1 with dipoles, otherwise
    /// the first 16 are for X dipole elements, and the next 16 are for Y.
        text_signature = "(az_rad, za_rad, freq_hz, delays, amps, norm_to_zenith, array_latitude_rad, iau_order)"
    fn calc_jones<'py>(
        &mut self,
        py: Python<'py>,
        az_rad: f64,
        za_rad: f64,
        freq_hz: f64,
        delays: [u32; 16],
        amps: Vec<f64>,
        norm_to_zenith: bool,
        array_latitude_rad: Option<f64>,
        iau_order: Option<bool>,
    ) -> PyResult<&'py PyArray1<c64>> {
        let jones = self.beam.calc_jones_pair(
            // hyperbeam expects an int for the frequency. By specifying that
            // Python should pass in a float, it also allows an int to be passed
            // in (!?). Convert the float here in Rust for usage in hyperbeam.
            freq_hz.round() as _,
        // Ensure that the numpy crate's c64 is being used.
        let jones_py: Vec<c64> = jones.iter().map(|c| c64::new(,;

        let np_array = PyArray1::from_vec(py, jones_py);

    /// Calculate the beam-response Jones matrices for many directions given a
    /// pointing. This is basically a wrapper around `calc_jones` that
    /// efficiently calculates the Jones matrices in parallel. The number of
    /// parallel threads used can be controlled by setting `RAYON_NUM_THREADS`
    /// `delays` and `amps` apply to each dipole in an MWA tile in the M&C
    /// order; see
    /// <>.
    /// `delays` *must* have 16 elements, whereas `amps` can have 16 or 32
    /// elements; if 16 are given, then these map 1:1 with dipoles, otherwise
    /// the first 16 are for X dipole elements, and the next 16 are for Y.
        text_signature = "(az_rad, za_rad, freq_hz, delays, amps, norm_to_zenith, array_latitude_rad, iau_order)"
    fn calc_jones_array<'py>(
        &mut self,
        py: Python<'py>,
        az_rad: Vec<f64>,
        za_rad: Vec<f64>,
        freq_hz: f64,
        delays: [u32; 16],
        amps: Vec<f64>,
        norm_to_zenith: bool,
        array_latitude_rad: Option<f64>,
        iau_order: Option<bool>,
    ) -> PyResult<&'py PyArray2<c64>> {
        let jones = self.beam.calc_jones_array_pair(
            freq_hz.round() as _,

        // Convert to a 2D array of c64 from Jones (one row per beam response).
        // Use unsafe code to ensure that no useless copying is done!
        let mut jones = std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(jones);

        let old_len = jones.len();
        let new_len = old_len * 4;
        let new_cap = jones.capacity() * 4;
        let new_ptr = jones.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c64;
        // SAFETY: new_cap == old_cap * N, align_of::<C64>() == align_of::<Jones>()
        let flat = unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(new_ptr, new_len, new_cap) };
        let a2 = Array2::from_shape_vec((old_len, 4), flat).unwrap();

    /// Get the available frequencies inside the HDF5 file.
    fn get_fee_beam_freqs<'py>(&self, py: Python<'py>) -> &'py PyArray1<u32> {

    /// Given a frequency in Hz, get the closest available frequency inside the
    /// HDF5 file.
    #[pyo3(text_signature = "(freq_hz)")]
    fn closest_freq(&self, freq_hz: f64) -> u32 {
        self.beam.find_closest_freq(freq_hz.round() as _)

    /// Calculate the Jones matrices for multiple directions given a pointing on
    /// a CUDA-capable device.
    /// `delays_array` and `amps_array` must have the same number of rows; these
    /// correspond to tile configurations (i.e. each tile is allowed to have
    /// distinct delays and amps). `delays_array` must have 16 elements per row,
    /// but `amps_array` can have 16 or 32 elements per row (see `calc_jones`
    /// for an explanation).
    #[cfg(all(feature = "cuda", not(feature = "cuda-single")))]
        text_signature = "(az_rad, za_rad, freq_hz, delays_array, amps_array, norm_to_zenith, array_latitude_rad, iau_order)"
    fn calc_jones_cuda<'py>(
        &mut self,
        py: Python<'py>,
        az_rad: Vec<f64>,
        za_rad: Vec<f64>,
        freqs_hz: Vec<f64>,
        delays_array: Vec<u32>,
        amps_array: Vec<f64>,
        norm_to_zenith: bool,
        array_latitude_rad: Option<f64>,
        iau_order: Option<bool>,
    ) -> PyResult<&'py PyArray4<c64>> {
        // hyperbeam expects ints for the frequencies. Convert them to make sure
        // everything's OK.
        let freqs: Vec<u32> = freqs_hz.iter().map(|&f| f.round() as _).collect();
        // We assume that there are 16 delays per row of delays, so we can get
        // the number of tiles.
        let num_tiles = delays_array.len() / 16;
        let delays = Array2::from_shape_vec((num_tiles, 16), delays_array).unwrap();
        // We then know how many amps per tile are provided.
        let amps =
            Array2::from_shape_vec((num_tiles, amps_array.len() / num_tiles), amps_array).unwrap();

        let cuda_beam = unsafe {
                .cuda_prepare(&freqs, delays.view(), amps.view(), norm_to_zenith)?
        let jones = cuda_beam.calc_jones_pair(

        // Convert to a 4D array of c64 from Jones.
        // Use unsafe code to ensure that no useless copying is done!
        let old_dim = jones.dim();
        let mut jones = std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(jones.into_raw_vec());

        let new_len = jones.len() * 4;
        let new_cap = jones.capacity() * 4;
        let new_ptr = jones.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c64;
        // SAFETY: new_cap == old_cap * N, align_of::<C64>() == align_of::<Jones>()
        let flat = unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(new_ptr, new_len, new_cap) };
        let a4 = Array4::from_shape_vec((old_dim.0, old_dim.1, old_dim.2, 4), flat).unwrap();

    /// Calculate the Jones matrices for multiple directions given a pointing on
    /// a CUDA-capable device.
    /// `delays_array` and `amps_array` must have the same number of rows; these
    /// correspond to tile configurations (i.e. each tile is allowed to have
    /// distinct delays and amps). `delays_array` must have 16 elements per row,
    /// but `amps_array` can have 16 or 32 elements per row (see `calc_jones`
    /// for an explanation).
    #[cfg(feature = "cuda-single")]
        text_signature = "(az_rad, za_rad, freq_hz, delays_array, amps_array, norm_to_zenith, array_latitude_rad, iau_order)"
    fn calc_jones_cuda<'py>(
        &mut self,
        py: Python<'py>,
        az_rad: Vec<f64>,
        za_rad: Vec<f64>,
        freqs_hz: Vec<f64>,
        delays_array: Vec<u32>,
        amps_array: Vec<f64>,
        norm_to_zenith: bool,
        array_latitude_rad: Option<f64>,
        iau_order: Option<bool>,
    ) -> PyResult<&'py PyArray4<c32>> {
        // hyperbeam expects ints for the frequencies. Convert them to make sure
        // everything's OK.
        let freqs: Vec<u32> = freqs_hz.iter().map(|&f| f.round() as _).collect();
        // We assume that there are 16 delays per row of delays, so we can get
        // the number of tiles.
        let num_tiles = delays_array.len() / 16;
        let delays = Array2::from_shape_vec((num_tiles, 16), delays_array).unwrap();
        // We then know how many amps per tile are provided.
        let amps =
            Array2::from_shape_vec((num_tiles, amps_array.len() / num_tiles), amps_array).unwrap();
        // Convert the direction type to match the CUDA precision.
        let azs: Vec<_> = az_rad.into_iter().map(|f| f as _).collect();
        let zas: Vec<_> = za_rad.into_iter().map(|f| f as _).collect();

        let cuda_beam = unsafe {
                .cuda_prepare(&freqs, delays.view(), amps.view(), norm_to_zenith)?
        let jones = cuda_beam.calc_jones_pair(

        // Convert to a 4D array of c64 from Jones.
        // Use unsafe code to ensure that no useless copying is done!
        let old_dim = jones.dim();
        let mut jones = std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(jones.into_raw_vec());

        let new_len = jones.len() * 4;
        let new_cap = jones.capacity() * 4;
        let new_ptr = jones.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c32;
        // SAFETY: new_cap == old_cap * N, align_of::<C32>() == align_of::<Jones>()
        let flat = unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(new_ptr, new_len, new_cap) };
        let a4 = Array4::from_shape_vec((old_dim.0, old_dim.1, old_dim.2, 4), flat).unwrap();

/// A Python module interfacing with the hyperbeam code written in Rust. This
/// module depends on and will import numpy.
fn mwa_hyperbeam(py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
    m.add("HyperbeamError", py.get_type::<HyperbeamError>())?;
    m.add("__version__", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))?;
