Trait mutils::num::Num[][src]

pub trait Num: Add<Self, Output = Self> + AddAssign + Sub<Self, Output = Self> + SubAssign + Mul<Self, Output = Self> + MulAssign + Div<Self, Output = Self> + DivAssign + Rem<Self, Output = Self> + PartialOrd + Display + Copy + PartialEq + NumTrampolene + Half + Zero + One + Sized { }

A common number trait.

A number is a collection of the traits below. But you cannot get them all together in Rust. So we have had to build our own.

The Points, Rects, and Shapes, all use these traits.


impl<U> Num for U where
    U: Add<Self, Output = Self> + AddAssign + Sub<Self, Output = Self> + SubAssign + Mul<Self, Output = Self> + MulAssign + Div<Self, Output = Self> + DivAssign + Rem<Self, Output = Self> + PartialOrd + Display + Copy + PartialEq + NumTrampolene + Half + Zero + One + Sized

You might be wondering 'what does this do?' So am I!

I think it's saying 'the trait above really does exists, and is implemented, for U'. This applies for cases where U matches the Num trait.

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