murmurhash3 0.0.1

MurmurHash3 implementation failed to build murmurhash3-0.0.1
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Visit the last successful build: murmurhash3-0.0.5

.. image:: :target:

A rust implementation of the MurmurHash3_. Both 32 bit and 128 bit versions are included. The 128 bit version is implemented with 64 bit datatypes, making it most suitable for x86_64 or other 64 bit architectures.


In your Cargo.toml:

.. code:: toml

murmurhash3 = "*"

Then you can start to use either murmurhash3_x86_32 or murmurhash3_x64_128:

.. code:: rust

use murmurhash3::murmurhash3_x64_128;

fn hash_value() {
    let data = "test data";
    let seed = 48221234;

    let hash = murmurhash3_x64_128(data.as_bytes(), seed);

Unfortunately, there is a bug in the HashState library implementation which prevents implementation of new Hasher implementations for use in for example HashMap. Additionally, only the 32 bit hasher can be used there since HashMap uses a 64 bit hash internally.


.. code::

cargo test

Runs all tests with optimization level 3 in order to weed out potential problems with the optimizer.

.. _MurmurHash3: