mure 0.1.7

A command line tool for creating and managing multiple repositories.
mure-0.1.7 is not a library.


A command line tool for creating and managing multiple repositories.


cargo install mure


directory structure

$HOME/.mure.toml ... configuration file
$HOME/.dev ... development directory
$HOME/.dev/repo ... repositories directory

When you clone a repository, it will be clone into the $HOME/.dev/repo/{owner}/{repo} directory.


  • GH_TOKEN environment variable is required for authentication.

mure init

Generate .mure.toml file in home directory.

base_dir = "~/.dev"

username = "kitsuyui"

cd_shims = "mcd"

Set up shell environment for mure

Add following script to your shell configuration file such as ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc or etc.

eval $(mure init --shell)

mure clone

mure clone clone the repository to the common directory. And makes symbolic links to the working repository.

mure clone <url>

mure issues

mure issues shows the list of issues and pull requests of all repositories.



--query option is available for advanced search like --query 'user:kitsuyui' See this page for more about advanced search:

Default search query is user:{username} is:public fork:false archived:false

mure refresh

mure refresh updates the repository.


mcd is a command line shims for changing directory shortcut. mcd enables you to change directory into the repository.

mcd something  # => Same as `cd $HOME/.dev/something`

You can change the name of the shim by set shell.cd_shims in .mure.toml to another name.

mure path

mure path shows the path of the repository for given repository name. (Internally, mure path is used for mcd command.)

