Crate munge

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munge makes it easy to initialize MaybeUninits.

Just use the munge! macro to destructure MaybeUninits the same way you’d destructure a value. Initialize all the fields, then call assume_init to unwrap it.

munge has no features and is always #![no_std].


pub struct Example {
    a: u32,
    b: (char, f32),

let mut mu = MaybeUninit::<Example>::uninit();

munge!(let Example { a, b: (c, mut f) } = mu);
assert_eq!(a.write(10), &10);
assert_eq!(c.write('x'), &'x');
assert_eq!(f.write(3.14), &3.14);
f = &mut MaybeUninit::uninit();

// SAFETY: `mu` is completely initialized.
let init = unsafe { mu.assume_init() };
assert_eq!(init.a, 10);
assert_eq!(init.b.0, 'x');
assert_eq!(init.b.1, 3.14);


Projects a MaybeUninit type to its MaybeUninit fields using destructuring.


A memory location that may or may not be initialized.