multipart 0.2.3

An extension to the Hyper HTTP library that provides support for POST multipart/form-data requests on for both client and server.

name = "multipart"

version = "0.2.3"

authors = ["Austin Bonander <>"]

description = "An extension to the Hyper HTTP library that provides support for POST multipart/form-data requests on for both client and server."

repository = ""

documentation = ""

license = "MIT"

keywords = ["form-data", "hyper", "http", "post", "upload"]


server = []

client = []

default = ["hyper", "server", "client"]


log = "*"

env_logger = "*"

mime = "*"

mime_guess = "*"

rand = "*"


version = "*"

optional = true


version = "*"

# Disable SSL for testing purposes

default-features = false