multipart 0.15.2

A backend-agnostic extension for HTTP libraries that provides support for POST multipart/form-data requests on both client and server.
`multipart` Examples

These example files show how to use `multipart` with the various crates it integrates with.

These files carry the same licenses as [`multipart` itself](, though this may be lightened to a copyright-free license in the near future.


Examples for the client-side integrations of `multipart`'s API.

Author: [abonander]

This example showcases usage of `multipart` with the `hyper::client::Request` API.

$ cargo run --example hyper_client

Author: [abonander]

This example showcases usage of `multipart` with Hyper's new `Client` API,
via the lazy-writing capabilities of `multipart::client::lazy`.

$ cargo run --example hyper_reqbuilder


Author: [Puhrez]

This example shows how to use `multipart` with a [`hyper::Server`] ( to intercept multipart requests.

$ cargo run --example hyper_server

Author: [White-Oak]

This example shows how to use `multipart` with the [Iron web application framework](, via `multipart`'s support
for the `iron::Request` type.

To run:

$ cargo run --features iron --example iron

Author: [abonander]

This example shows how to use `multipart`'s specialized `Intercept` middleware with Iron, which reads out all fields and
files to local storage so they can be accessed arbitrarily.

$ cargo run --features iron --example iron_intercept

Author: [White-Oak]

This example shows how to use `multipart` with the [`tiny_http` crate](, via `multipart`'s support for the `tiny_http::Request` type.

$ cargo run --features tiny_http --example tiny_http

Author: [Puhrez]

This example shows how to use `multipart` with a [`hyper::Server`] ( to intercept multipart requests.

$ cargo run --example hyper_server

Author: [iamsebastian]

This example shows how to use `multipart` to handle multipart uploads in [](

$ cargo run --example nickel --features nickel

Author: [abonander]

This example shows how `multipart`'s server API can be used with [Rocket]( without
explicit support (the Rocket folks seem to want to handle `multipart/form-data` behind the scenes
but haven't gotten around to implementing it yet; this would supercede any integration from `multipart`). 

$ cargo run --example rocket --features "rocket,rocket_codegen"
