multipart-nickel 0.3.1

DEPRECATED: Nickel support is returning to `multipart` itself in 0.14. Support for `multipart/form-data` bodies in Nickel via the `multipart` crate.

name = "multipart-nickel"

version = "0.3.1"

authors = ["Austin Bonander <>"]

description = '''DEPRECATED: Nickel support is returning to `multipart` itself in 0.14.
Support for `multipart/form-data` bodies in Nickel via the `multipart` crate.'''

documentation = ""

repository = ""

license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"


hyper = "0.10"

nickel = "0.10"


version = "0.13"

# You can specify a path alongside the version so it can be tested against the latest code but published

# against the released version

path = "../"

default-features = false

features = ["hyper", "server"]