multihash 0.19.1

Implementation of the multihash format
Release process

Generating Changelog

Install dependencies

$ npm install -g conventional-changelog-cli
$ cd rust-multihash
$ conventional-changelog --preset conventionalcommits

Add the output of that to ``. Write a human-centric summary of changes and add migration instructions for breaking changes if needed.

Update the linked output to reference the new version, which conventional-changelog doesn't know about:

# [] (2022-12-06)
# [v0.18.0] (2022-12-06)

Create a pull request with the changelog changes and the correct version bumps to the crates.


Once the PR above is merged, the crate can be published. This is done using [`cargo-release`](

This requires the following permissions

- on
  - creating tags
  - pushing to `master`
- on
  - publish access to all published crates

Dry run

$ cargo release --workspace

Actual publishing

$ cargo release --workspace --execute