multican 0.5.0

Provides connections to multiple CAN busses at the same time. Allows use of different types of networks


Library that supports different CANBUS scenarios, especially those that require multiple busses to operate at the same time.

Typical usage: 3 busses, using mixed network types

id = 0
kind = "socketcan"

id = 1
kind = "socketcan"

id = 2
kind = "udp"

// read the config file however you'd like
let network_config = read_config("can.toml");
let network = multican::from_config(network_config);

// receive from all busses:
for rx in network.recv() {
    println!("RX: {:?}", rx);

// send a message to bus 2
let m = CanMessage { bus: 2, header: 0x12345678, data: vec![1, 2, 3, 4] };