multiboot2 0.5.0

An experimental Multiboot 2 crate for ELF-64/32 kernels.
# multiboot2-elf64
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An experimental Multiboot 2 crate for ELF-64 kernels. It's still incomplete, so please open an issue if you're missing some functionality. Contributions welcome!

It uses the Multiboot 1.6 specification at and the ELF 64 specification at

Below is the draft for a blog post about this. I don't plan to finish it but maybe it's helpful as documentation.

## The Multiboot 2 Information Structure
The Multiboot information structure looks like this:

Field            | Type
---------------- | -----------
total size       | u32
reserved         | u32
tags             | variable
end tag = (0, 8) | (u32, u32)

There are many different types of tags, but they all have the same beginning:

Field         | Type
------------- | -----------------
type          | u32
size          | u32
other fields  | variable

All tags are 8-byte aligned. The last tag must be the _end tag_, which is a tag of type `0` and size `8`.

## Tags

We are interested in two tags, the _Elf-symbols_ tag and the _memory map_ tag. For a full list of possible tags see section 3.4 in the Multiboot 2 specification ([PDF][Multiboot 2]).

[Multiboot 2]:

### The Elf-Symbols Tag
The Elf-symbols tag contains a list of all sections of the loaded [ELF] kernel. It has the following format:


Field                       | Type
--------------------------- | -----------------
type = 9                    | u32
size                        | u32
number of entries           | u32
entry size                  | u32
string table                | u32
section headers             | variable

Note that this format differs from the description in the Multiboot specification because it seems to be wrong for ELF 64 kernels: The `number of entries`, `entry size`, and `string table` fields seem to be `u32` instead of `u16`. The `multiboot2.h` file in the example section of the specification also specifies these fields as being `u32`, which suggests that the `u16` fields are an editing error. The GRUB2 bootloader [uses u32 fields](, too.

The section headers are just copied from the ELF file, so we need to look at the ELF specification to find the corresponding structure definition. Our kernel is a 64-bit ELF file, so we need to look at the ELF-64 specification ([PDF][ELF specification]). According to section 4 and figure 3, a section header has the following format:

[ELF specification]:

Field                       | Type             | Value
--------------------------- | ---------------- | -----------
name                        | u32              | string table index
type                        | u32              | `0` (unused), `1` (section of program), `3` (string table), `8` (uninitialized section), etc.
flags                       | u64              | `0x1` (writable), `0x2` (loaded), `0x4` (executable), etc.
address                     | u64              | virtual start address of section (0 if not loaded)
file offset                 | u64              | offset (in bytes) of section contents in the file
size                        | u64              | size of the section in bytes
link                        | u32              | associated section (only for some section types)
info                        | u32              | extra information (only for some section types)
address align               | u64              | required alignment of section (power of 2)
entry size                  | u64              | contains the entry size for table sections (e.g. string table)

## License

Licensed under either of

- Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or

at your option.

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the
work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any
additional terms or conditions.