multiboot2-header 0.2.0

Library with type definitions and parsing functions for Multiboot2 headers. This library is `no_std` and can be used in bootloaders.


Build docs

Rust library with type definitions and parsing functions for Multiboot2 headers. This library is no_std and can be used in bootloaders.

What this library is good for:

  • writing a small binary which writes you a valid Multiboot2 header into a file (such as header.bin)
  • understanding Multiboot2 headers better
  • analyze Multiboot2 headers at runtime

What this library is not optimal for:

  • compiling a Multiboot2 header statically into an object file using only Rust code

Features and Usage in no_std

This library is always no_std. However, the builder-feature requires the alloc-crate to be available. You need the builder only if you want to construct new headers. For parsing, this is not relevant.

# without `builder`-feature (and without `alloc`-crate)
multiboot2-header = { version = "<latest>", default-features = false }
# else (requires `alloc`-crate)
multiboot2-header = "<latest>"

Example 1: Builder + Parse

use multiboot2_header::builder::{InformationRequestHeaderTagBuilder, Multiboot2HeaderBuilder};
use multiboot2_header::{HeaderTagFlag, HeaderTagISA, MbiTagType, RelocatableHeaderTag, RelocatableHeaderTagPreference, Multiboot2Header};

/// Small example that creates a Multiboot2 header and parses it afterwards.
fn main() {
    // We create a Multiboot2 header during runtime here. A practical example is that your
    // program gets the header from a file and parses it afterwards.
    let mb2_hdr_bytes = Multiboot2HeaderBuilder::new(HeaderTagISA::I386)
                .add_irs(&[MbiTagType::Cmdline, MbiTagType::BootLoaderName]),

    // Cast bytes in vector to Multiboot2 information structure
    let mb2_hdr = unsafe { Multiboot2Header::from_addr(mb2_hdr_bytes.as_ptr() as usize) };
    println!("{:#?}", mb2_hdr);

Example 2: Multiboot2 header as static data in Rust file

You can use the builder, construct a Multiboot2 header, write it to a file and include it like this:

#[link_section = ".text.multiboot2_header"]
static MULTIBOOT2_HDR: &[u8; 64] = include_bytes!("mb2_hdr_dump.bin");

You may need a special linker script to place this in a LOAD segment with a file offset with less than 32768 bytes. See specification.


The MSRV is 1.52.1 stable.

License & Contribution

See main README file.