multi_index_map 0.4.2

MultiIndexMap: A generic multi index map inspired by boost multi index containers
use convert_case::Casing;
use proc_macro_error::{abort_call_site, proc_macro_error};
use quote::{format_ident, quote};
use syn::{parse_macro_input, DeriveInput};

#[proc_macro_derive(MultiIndexMap, attributes(multi_index))]
pub fn multi_index_map(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
    // Parse the input tokens into a syntax tree.
    let input = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput);

    // Extract the struct fields if we are parsing a struct, otherwise throw an error as we do not support Enums or Unions.
    let fields = match {
        syn::Data::Struct(d) => d.fields,
        _ => abort_call_site!("MultiIndexMap only supports structs as elements"),

    // Verify the struct fields are named fields, otherwise throw an error as we do not support Unnamed of Unit structs.
    let named_fields = match fields {
        syn::Fields::Named(f) => f,
        _ => abort_call_site!(
            "Struct fields must be named, unnamed tuple structs and unit structs are not supported"

    // Filter out all the fields that do not have a multi_index attribute, so we can ignore the non-indexed fields.
    let fields_to_index = || {
        named_fields.named.iter().filter(|f| {
            f.attrs.first().is_some() && f.attrs.first().unwrap().path.is_ident("multi_index")

    // For each indexed field generate a TokenStream representing the lookup table for that field
    // Each lookup table maps it's index to a position in the backing storage,
    // or multiple positions in the backing storage in the non-unique indexes.
    let lookup_table_fields = fields_to_index().map(|f| {
        let index_name = format_ident!("_{}_index", f.ident.as_ref().unwrap());
        let ty = &f.ty;

        let (ordering, uniqueness) = get_index_kind(f).unwrap_or_else(|| {
            abort_call_site!("Attributes must be in the style #[multi_index(hashed_unique)]")

        match uniqueness {
            Uniqueness::Unique => match ordering {
                Ordering::Hashed => quote! {
                    #index_name: rustc_hash::FxHashMap<#ty, usize>,
                Ordering::Ordered => quote! {
                    #index_name: std::collections::BTreeMap<#ty, usize>,
            Uniqueness::NonUnique => match ordering {
                Ordering::Hashed => quote! {
                    #index_name: rustc_hash::FxHashMap<#ty, Vec<usize>>,
                Ordering::Ordered => quote! {
                    #index_name: std::collections::BTreeMap<#ty, Vec<usize>>,

    // For each indexed field generate a TokenStream representing inserting the position in the backing storage to that field's lookup table
    // Unique indexed fields just require a simple insert to the map, whereas non-unique fields require appending to the Vec of positions,
    // creating a new Vec if necessary.
    let inserts: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = fields_to_index()
        .map(|f| {
            let field_name = f.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
            let field_name_string = field_name.to_string();
            let index_name = format_ident!("_{}_index", field_name);
            let (_ordering, uniqueness) = get_index_kind(f).unwrap_or_else(|| {
                abort_call_site!("Attributes must be in the style #[multi_index(hashed_unique)]")

            match uniqueness {
                Uniqueness::Unique => quote! { 
                    let orig_elem_idx = self.#index_name.insert(elem.#field_name.clone(), idx);
                    if orig_elem_idx.is_some() {
                        panic!("Unable to insert element, uniqueness constraint violated on field '{}'", #field_name_string);
                Uniqueness::NonUnique => quote! {

    // For each indexed field generate a TokenStream representing the remove from that field's lookup table.
    let removes: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = fields_to_index()
        .map(|f| {
            let field_name = f.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
            let index_name = format_ident!("_{}_index", field_name);
            let field_name_string = field_name.to_string();
            let error_msg = format!("Internal invariants broken, unable to find element in index '{field_name_string}' despite being present in another");
            let (_ordering, uniqueness) = get_index_kind(f).unwrap_or_else(|| {
                abort_call_site!("Attributes must be in the style #[multi_index(hashed_unique)]")

            match uniqueness {
                Uniqueness::Unique => quote! {
                    // For unique indexes we know that removing an element will not affect any other elements
                    let removed_elem = self.#index_name.remove(&elem_orig.#field_name);
                Uniqueness::NonUnique => quote! {
                    // For non-unique indexes we must verify that we have not affected any other elements
                    if let Some(mut elems) = self.#index_name.remove(&elem_orig.#field_name) {
                        // If any other elements share the same non-unique index, we must reinsert them into this index
                        if elems.len() > 1 {
                            let pos = elems.iter().position(|e| *e == idx).expect(#error_msg);
                            self.#index_name.insert(elem_orig.#field_name.clone(), elems);


    // For each indexed field generate a TokenStream representing the combined remove and insert from that field's lookup table.
    let modifies: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = fields_to_index().map(|f| {
        let field_name = f.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
        let field_name_string = field_name.to_string();
        let index_name = format_ident!("_{}_index", field_name);
        let error_msg = format!("Internal invariants broken, unable to find element in index '{field_name_string}' despite being present in another");
        let (_ordering, uniqueness) = get_index_kind(f).unwrap_or_else(|| {
            abort_call_site!("Attributes must be in the style #[multi_index(hashed_unique)]")

        match uniqueness {
            Uniqueness::Unique => quote! {
                let idx = self.#index_name.remove(&elem_orig.#field_name).expect(#error_msg);
                let orig_elem_idx = self.#index_name.insert(elem.#field_name.clone(), idx);
                if orig_elem_idx.is_some() {
                    panic!("Unable to insert element, uniqueness constraint violated on field '{}'", #field_name_string);
            Uniqueness::NonUnique => quote! {
                let idxs = self.#index_name.get_mut(&elem_orig.#field_name).expect(#error_msg);
                let pos = idxs.iter().position(|x| *x == idx).expect(#error_msg);

    let clears: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = fields_to_index()
        .map(|f| {
            let field_name = f.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
            let index_name = format_ident!("_{}_index", field_name);

    let element_name = input.ident;

    // Generate the name of the MultiIndexMap
    let map_name = format_ident!("MultiIndex{}Map", element_name);

    // For each indexed field generate a TokenStream representing all the accessors for the underlying storage via that field's lookup table.
    let accessors = fields_to_index().map(|f| {
        let field_name = f.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
        let index_name = format_ident!("_{}_index", field_name);
        let getter_name = format_ident!("get_by_{}", field_name);
        let mut_getter_name = format_ident!("get_mut_by_{}", field_name);
        let remover_name = format_ident!("remove_by_{}", field_name);
        let modifier_name = format_ident!("modify_by_{}", field_name);
        let iter_name = format_ident!("{}{}Iter", map_name, field_name.to_string().to_case(convert_case::Case::UpperCamel));
        let iter_getter_name = format_ident!("iter_by_{}", field_name);
        let ty = &f.ty;
        let (_ordering, uniqueness) = get_index_kind(f).unwrap_or_else(|| {
            abort_call_site!("Attributes must be in the style #[multi_index(hashed_unique)]")

        // TokenStream representing the get_by_ accessor for this field.
        // For non-unique indexes we must go through all matching elements and find their positions,
        // in order to return a Vec of references to the backing storage.
        let getter = match uniqueness {
            Uniqueness::Unique => quote! {
                pub(super) fn #getter_name(&self, key: &#ty) -> Option<&#element_name> {
            Uniqueness::NonUnique => quote! {
                pub(super) fn #getter_name(&self, key: &#ty) -> Vec<&#element_name> {
                    if let Some(idxs) = self.#index_name.get(key) {
                        let mut elem_refs = Vec::with_capacity(idxs.len());
                        for idx in idxs {
                    } else {

        // TokenStream representing the get_mut_by_ accessor for this field.
        // Unavailable for NonUnique fields for now, because this would require returning multiple mutable references to the same backing storage.
        // This is not impossible to do safely, just requires some unsafe code and a thought out approach similar to split_at_mut.
        let mut_getter = match uniqueness {
            Uniqueness::Unique => quote! {
                // SAFETY:
                // It is safe to mutate the non-indexed fields, however mutating any of the indexed fields will break the internal invariants.
                // If the indexed fields need to be changed, the modify() method must be used.
                pub(super) unsafe fn #mut_getter_name(&mut self, key: &#ty) -> Option<&mut #element_name> {
                    Some(&mut self._store[*self.#index_name.get(key)?])
            Uniqueness::NonUnique => quote! {},

        // TokenStream representing the remove_by_ accessor for this field.
        // For non-unique indexes we must go through all matching elements and find their positions,
        // in order to return a Vec elements from the backing storage.
        let remover = match uniqueness {
            Uniqueness::Unique => quote! {
                pub(super) fn #remover_name(&mut self, key: &#ty) -> Option<#element_name> {
                    let idx = self.#index_name.remove(key)?;
                    let elem_orig = self._store.remove(idx);
            Uniqueness::NonUnique => quote! {
                pub(super) fn #remover_name(&mut self, key: &#ty) -> Vec<#element_name> {
                    if let Some(idxs) = self.#index_name.remove(key) {
                        let mut elems = Vec::with_capacity(idxs.len());
                        for idx in idxs {
                            let elem_orig = self._store.remove(idx);
                    } else {

        // TokenStream representing the modify_by_ accessor for this field.
        // Unavailable for NonUnique fields for now, because the modification logic gets quite complicated.
        let modifier = match uniqueness {
            Uniqueness::Unique => quote! {
                pub(super) fn #modifier_name(&mut self, key: &#ty, f: impl FnOnce(&mut #element_name)) -> Option<&#element_name> {
                    let idx = *self.#index_name.get(key)?;
                    let elem = &mut self._store[idx];
                    let elem_orig = elem.clone();
            Uniqueness::NonUnique => quote! {},

        // Put all these TokenStreams together, and put a TokenStream representing the iter_by_ accessor on the end.
        quote! {




            pub(super) fn #iter_getter_name(&mut self) -> #iter_name {
                #iter_name {
                    _store_ref: &self._store,
                    _iter: self.#index_name.iter(),
                    _inner_iter: None,

    // For each indexed field generate a TokenStream representing the Iterator over the backing storage via that field,
    // such that the elements are accessed in an order defined by the index rather than the backing storage.
    let iterators = fields_to_index().map(|f| {
        let field_name = f.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
        let field_name_string = field_name.to_string();
        let error_msg = format!("Internal invariants broken, found empty slice in non_unique index '{field_name_string}'");
        let iter_name = format_ident!(
        let ty = &f.ty;

        let (ordering, uniqueness) = get_index_kind(f).unwrap_or_else(|| {
            abort_call_site!("Attributes must be in the style #[multi_index(hashed_unique)]")

        // TokenStream representing the actual type of the iterator
        let iter_type = match uniqueness {
            Uniqueness::Unique => match ordering {
                Ordering::Hashed => quote! {std::collections::hash_map::Iter<'a, #ty, usize>},
                Ordering::Ordered => quote! {std::collections::btree_map::Iter<'a, #ty, usize>},
            Uniqueness::NonUnique => match ordering {
                Ordering::Hashed => quote! {std::collections::hash_map::Iter<'a, #ty, Vec<usize>>},
                Ordering::Ordered => quote! {std::collections::btree_map::Iter<'a, #ty, Vec<usize>>},

        // TokenStream representing the logic for performing iteration.
        let iter_action = match uniqueness {
            Uniqueness::Unique => quote! { Some(&self._store_ref[*]) },
            Uniqueness::NonUnique => quote! {
                // If we have an inner_iter already, then get the next (optional) value from it.
                let inner_next = if let Some(inner_iter) = &mut self._inner_iter {
                } else {

                // If we have the next value, find it in the backing store.
                if let Some(next_index) = inner_next {
                } else {
                    let hashmap_next =;
                    self._inner_iter = Some(hashmap_next.1.iter());

        // TokenStream representing the iterator over each indexed field.
        // We have a different iterator type for each indexed field. Each one wraps the standard Iterator for that lookup table, but adds in a couple of things:
        // First we maintain a reference to the backing store, so we can return references to the elements we are interested in.
        // Second we maintain an optional inner_iter, only used for non-unique indexes. This is used to iterate through the Vec of matching elements for a given index value.
        quote! {
            pub(super) struct #iter_name<'a> {
                _store_ref: &'a slab::Slab<#element_name>,
                _iter: #iter_type,
                _inner_iter: Option<core::slice::Iter<'a, usize>>,

            impl<'a> Iterator for #iter_name<'a> {
                type Item = &'a #element_name;

                fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

    // Put Iterators and MultiIndexMap into a separate module to avoid polluting the namespace.
    // Ensure this module has a name based upon the element name to allow multiple MultiIndexMaps in the same namespace.
    let mod_name = format_ident!(

    // Build the final output using quasi-quoting
    let expanded = quote! {
        mod #mod_name {
            use super::*;

            #[derive(Default, Clone)]
            pub(super) struct #map_name {
                _store: slab::Slab<#element_name>,

            impl #map_name {
                pub(super) fn len(&self) -> usize {

                pub(super) fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

                pub(super) fn insert(&mut self, elem: #element_name) {
                    let idx = self._store.insert(elem);
                    let elem = &self._store[idx];


                pub(super) fn clear(&mut self) {

                // Allow iteration directly over the backing storage
                pub(super) fn iter(&self) -> slab::Iter<#element_name> {

                // SAFETY:
                // It is safe to mutate the non-indexed fields, however mutating any of the indexed fields will break the internal invariants.
                // If the indexed fields need to be changed, the modify() method must be used.
                pub(super) unsafe fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> slab::IterMut<#element_name> {



    // Hand the output tokens back to the compiler.

// Represents whether the index is Ordered or Hashed, ie. whether we use a BTreeMap or a FxHashMap as the lookup table.
enum Ordering {

// Represents whether the index is Unique or NonUnique, ie. whether we allow multiple elements with the same value in this index.
// All these variants end in Unique, even "NonUnique", remove this warning.
enum Uniqueness {

// Get the Ordering and Uniqueness for a given field attribute.
fn get_index_kind(f: &syn::Field) -> Option<(Ordering, Uniqueness)> {
    let meta_list = match f.attrs.first()?.parse_meta() {
        Ok(syn::Meta::List(l)) => l,
        _ => return None,

    let nested = meta_list.nested.first()?;

    let nested_path = match nested {
        syn::NestedMeta::Meta(syn::Meta::Path(p)) => p,
        _ => return None,

    if nested_path.is_ident("hashed_unique") {
        Some((Ordering::Hashed, Uniqueness::Unique))
    } else if nested_path.is_ident("ordered_unique") {
        Some((Ordering::Ordered, Uniqueness::Unique))
    } else if nested_path.is_ident("hashed_non_unique") {
        Some((Ordering::Hashed, Uniqueness::NonUnique))
    } else if nested_path.is_ident("ordered_non_unique") {
        Some((Ordering::Ordered, Uniqueness::NonUnique))
    } else {