mtree 0.5.0

A crate for iterating through the entries of an mtree record file.
 A library for iterating through entries of an mtree.

[![Build Status](](

 *mtree* is a data format used for describing a sequence of files. Their location is record,
 along with optional extra values like checksums, size, permissions etc.

 For details on the spec see [mtree(5)].

 # Examples

 use mtree::MTree;
 use std::time::SystemTime;

 // We're going to load data from a string so this example with pass doctest,
 // but there's no reason you can't use a file, or any other data source.
 let raw_data = "
 /set type=file uid=0 gid=0 mode=644
 ./.BUILDINFO time=1523250074.300237174 size=8602 md5digest=13c0a46c2fb9f18a1a237d4904b6916e \
 ./.PKGINFO time=1523250074.276237110 size=682 md5digest=fdb9ac9040f2e78f3561f27e5b31c815 \
 /set mode=755
 ./usr time=1523250049.905171912 type=dir
 ./usr/bin time=1523250065.373213293 type=dir
 let entries = MTree::from_reader(raw_data.as_bytes());
 for entry in entries {
     // Normally you'd want to handle any errors
     let entry = entry.unwrap();
     // We can print out a human-readable copy of the entry
     println!("{}", entry);
     // Let's check that if there is a modification time, it's in the past
     if let Some(time) = entry.params.time {
         assert!(time < SystemTime::now());
     // We might also want to take a checksum of the file, and compare it to the digests
     // supplied by mtree, but this example doesn't have access to a filesystem.
