Crate mt940

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A fast and strict MT940 parser.


use mt940::parse_mt940;

fn main() {
    let input = "\
        Beneficiary name\r\n\
        Something else\r\n\
        :61:0910010930DR62,60NCHGcustomer id//bank id\r\n\
        :86:Fees according to advice\r\n\

    let input_parsed = parse_mt940(input).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(input_parsed[0].transaction_ref_no, "3996-11-11111111");

Sanitizing input

In case your input is non-standard conformant, it will be refused. This is the case, for instance, if it contains invalid characters which are not specified in the SWIFT MT101 character set. Since this is the case quite often with international banks, you can use the provided sanitizer to try to sanitize your input and make it MT940-compliant before trying to parse it:

use mt940::parse_mt940;
use mt940::sanitizers::to_swift_charset;

fn main() {
    let input = "\
        :61:0910010930DR62,60NCHGcustomer id//bank id\r\n\

    let sanitized_input = to_swift_charset(input);
    let input_parsed = parse_mt940(&sanitized_input).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(input_parsed[0].transaction_ref_no, "ao...hallo...");


This module contains a collection of sanitizers which is really just a fancy way of saying that this is a bunch of functions which take strings, change them, and give them back.


Represents the currently available balance of an account.
Represents a balance of an account in between statements or at the start of a statement.
This is a generic struct that serves as a container for the first pass of the parser.
A pest parser for parsing a MT940 structure and fields.
A single, parsed MT940 message.
Error thrown if a required tag was not found.
A StatementLine holds information contained in tag :61: and tag :86:.
Error thrown when an unexpected tag was found.
Error thrown if a variant for an enum can’t be found.


Indiciates whether a transaction was Debit or Credit.
Like DebitOrCredit with additional reverse variants.
Error thrown when parsing fails.
Enum containing every SEPA-specified transaction type identification code.


Parse a MT940 statement to a list of its fields.
Parse and validate a MT940 statement.