Crate msq[][src]

Expand description

msq is a rust library implementation of the legacy Master Server Query Protocol.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

msq = "0.2"

If you want to get straight from the latest master branch:

msq = { git = "" }

To get started using msq, see the Quick Start section below.


By default, both async MSQClient and non-async/blocking MSQClientBlock are included. However, if you want to include either only async or only non-async, you could do the following:

msq = { version = "0.2", default-features = false, features = ["async"] }
msq = { version = "0.2", default-features = false, features = ["non-async"] }

Quick Start

The following example covers the primary functionalities of this library and should be quick on understanding how to use the library.

Async version

use msq::{MSQClient, Region, Filter};
use std::io::Result;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Startup the client
    let mut client = MSQClient::new().await?;

    // Connect to the master server

    // Maximum amount of servers we wanted to query

    let servers = client
        .query(Region::Europe,  // Restrict query to Europe region
            Filter::new()       // Create a Filter builder
                .appid(240)     // appid of 240 (CS:S)
                .nand()         // Start of NAND special filter
                    .map("de_dust2")     // Map is de_dust2
                    .empty(true)         // Server is empty
                .end()          // End of NAND special filter
                .gametype(&vec!["friendlyfire", "alltalk"])).await?;

    // nand filter excludes servers that has de_dust2 as
    // its map and is empty

    // nand and nor are both special filters, both closed by
    // using the end method


Blocking/Non-Async version

If you don’t want to use async, then a blocking version is available. The methods functionalities and names should matches its async counterpart.

use msq::{MSQClientBlock, Region, Filter};
use std::io::Result;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut client = MSQClientBlock::new()?;

    let servers = client
        .query(Region::Europe,  // Restrict query to Europe region
            Filter::new()       // Create a Filter builder
                .appid(240)     // appid of 240 (CS:S)
                .nand()         // Start of NAND special filter
                    .map("de_dust2")     // Map is de_dust2
                    .empty(true)         // Server is empty
                .end()          // End of NAND special filter
                .gametype(&vec!["friendlyfire", "alltalk"]))?;



Filter builder - Construct your filter to filter out server results


The primary MSQ client driver (async)


The primary MSQ client driver (non-async)



Region enum to restrict the servers region the query searches for