mrml-cli 1.3.1

CLI for the Rust implementation of MJML renderer


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## Introduction

This project is a reimplementation of the nice `MJML` markup language in Rust.

## How to use it in the cli

# installing mrml-cli
cargo install mrml-cli
# using it 
mrml-cli path/to/template.mjml validate
mrml-cli path/to/template.mjml render
mrml-cli path/to/template.mjml format-json --pretty
mrml-cli path/to/template.json format-mjml --pretty
# getting some help
mrml-cli --help

## How to use it in my code

use mrml;

fn main() {
    let root = mrml::parse("<mjml><mj-body></mj-body></mjml>").expect("parse template");
    let opts = mrml::prelude::render::Options::default();
    match root.render(&opts) {
        Ok(content) => println!("{}", content),
        Err(_) => println!("couldn't render mjml template"),

## Why?

- A `Node` server rendering a mjml template takes around 20Mo of RAM at startup and 130Mo under stress test. In `Rust`, less than 1.7Mo at startup and a bit less that 3Mo under stress test. The `Rust` version can also handle 2 times more requests per seconds. You can run the bench by doing `bash script/`.
- The `JS` implementation cannot be run in the browser. In `Rust` (and `Wasm`), you can.

## You want to contribute?

Feel free to read our [contributing](./ section and the [code of conduct](./

## Performance

With the same linux amd64 machine, to render the amario template

- Node: 62.803ms
- Rust: 13.180ms

To reproduce those results:

- Node, in `example/mjml-bench` run `npm start -- ../../resources/template-amario.mjml`
- Rust, run `cargo bench amario`

## Who is using MRML?

[<img src="" height="22px" />](

<i>If you are using MRML and want to be added to this list, don't hesitate to create an issue or open a pull request.</i>