mrh 0.10.13

Crawls filesystem and displays pending status of each git repo found
# mrh - Multi-(git)Repo Helper

[![build status](](

This repo provides a library that allows crawling a directory and its
children for Git repos.
It reports if those repos have:

- uncommitted changes
- unpushed commits
- outdated branch
- added files
- deleted files
- renamed files
- untracked files (can be disabled)
- uncommitted repos (can be disabled)
- untagged HEAD (optional)
- unpushed tags (optional)
- unpulled tags (optional)
- unfetched commits (optional)

It also offers a command line tool with all those features,
one of which is to show all repos:

    $ mrh
    foo (uncommitted changes, untracked files, unpushed commits)
    baz (untracked files)

Only show those repos that are pending action:

    $ mrh --pending
    foo (uncommitted changes, untracked files, unpushed commits)
    baz (untracked files)

Ignore untracked files in results:

    $ mrh --pending --ignore-untracked
    foo (uncommitted changes, unpushed commits)

Include repos whose HEAD commits are not tagged:

    $ mrh --pending --ignore-untracked --untagged-head
    foo (uncommitted changes, unpushed commits, untagged HEAD)
    bar (untagged HEAD)

Check which repos have unfetched commits,
a relatively slow operation when the remote is on the network:

    $ mrh --access-remote ssh-key
    qux (unfetched commits)

For cases where JSON or YAML output is desired,
use `--output-json` or `--output-yaml` flags, respectively.

## Notes

- Ignores unreadable files/directories without warning
- Ignores bare git repositories

## Installation

You will need to first install a few packages before you can build mrh.
On Debian/Ubuntu, here how you do:

    apt install cmake libssl-dev pkg-config gcc

These are needed by `libssh2-sys` crate,
which itself is ultimately needed by the git2 crate.

Proceed to build and install mrh
(assuming you have the [Rust toolchain installed][install]):

    cargo install mrh

JSON and YAML output formats are behind feature flags:

    cargo install mrh --features "yaml json"

NOTE: minimum required rustc is v1.45.0,
due to use of new libstd fn by git2.

For library usage, check them [API docs][docs].


#### License

Licensed under either of
<a href="LICENSE-APACHE">Apache License, Version 2.0</a>
<a href="LICENSE-MIT">MIT license</a>
at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall
be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.