mr_splashy_pants 0.1.17

Very incomplete Rust bindings for the Reddit API

# What is this?

WIP Rust bindings for the Reddit API

# This is a WIP, you likely won't find it particularly useful

# Set up

Follow for set up instructions.

# Use

Set up a script with access to a Reddit account, collect the access token, the client ID, and the client secret. Once you have that, get a refresh token. Once you have that you can do:

// pants is mutable so the refresh token can be updated
let mut pants = Pants::new(
For example, if you're using dotenv and reading values from the environment:
// pants is mutable so the refresh token can be updated
let mut pants = Pants::new(
Then you can invoke things, e.g:


If your refresh token expires, it should automatically refresh.

Currently implemented with (partially) structured response:

- GET [/api/v1/me]
- GET [/api/v1/me/karma]
- GET [/api/v1/me/prefs]
- GET [/prefs/friends]

Currently kind of implemented (no query parameters), with JSON response:

- GET [/api/v1/me/trophies]
- GET [/prefs/blocked]
- GET [/prefs/messaging]
- GET [/prefs/trusted]
- GET [/api/v1/me/friends]
- GET [/api/v1/me/blocked]


- GET [/api/trending_subreddits]
- GET [/best]
- GET [/by_id/names]{names}
- GET [/comments/article]{article}
- GET [/controversial]
- GET [/r/{subreddit}/controversial]
- GET [/duplicates/article]{article}
- GET [/hot]
- GET [/r/{subreddit}/hot]
- GET [/new]
- GET [/r/{subreddit}/new]
- GET [/random]
- GET [/r/{subreddit}/random]
- GET [/rising]
- GET [/r/{subreddit}/rising]
- GET [/top]
- GET [/r/{subreddit}/top]

**Links and Comments**
- POST [/api/submit]
- POST [/api/del]

To submit a post to Reddit:

// Build the submission 
let request_body = links_and_comments::ApiSubmit {
    ad: "".to_string(),
    api_type: "".to_string(),
    app: "".to_string(),
    collection_id: "".to_string(),
    event_end: "".to_string(),
    event_start: "".to_string(),
    event_tz: "".to_string(),
    extension: "".to_string(),
    flair_id: "".to_string(),
    flair_text: "".to_string(),
    g_recaptcha_response: "".to_string(),
    kind: "self".to_string(),
    nsfw: "".to_string(),
    resubmit: "".to_string(),
    richtext_json: "".to_string(),
    sendreplies: "".to_string(),
    spoiler: "".to_string(),
    sr: "name_of_subreddit".to_string(),
    text: "Here's an example of the post's body".to_string(),
    title: "This is the title of the post".to_string(),
    uh: "".to_string(),
    url: "".to_string(),
    video_poster_url: "".to_string(),

// then submit the post
let submission_name = pants.submit(request_body).await {
    Ok(response) => {
        println!("Response to submit is: {}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&response).unwrap());
    Err(e) => panic!("An error ocurred: {}", e),

// remove it if you'd like
let delete_request_body = links_and_comments::ApiDel { id: submission_name };


Streaming support for:

- GET [/r/{subreddit}/new]

use futures_util::pin_mut;
use futures_util::stream::StreamExt;
let stream = pants.stream_subreddit_new("testingground4bots");

while let Some(value) = tokio_test::block_on( {
    println!("New post: {}", value);

All other APIs are not implemented